Thursday, November 15, 2012

Female Reproductive Physiology

Female Reproductive Physiology

Reproductive cycle

Between puberty and menopause, women are healthy menstrual cycle. Although many people know just about leaking menstrual days, these are just the most obvious phases of the reproductive cycle completely.

The cycle begins on the first day of leaks and ends at the start of the next leak. It usually takes 28 days.

Many women have cycles between 20 and 40 days. Very long or very short cycles are a concern and should consult a gynecologist.
Each reproductive cycle is actually a series of interactions between the brain, pituitary, ovary and uterus. Are sent and received messages between these bodies to change the amounts of various hormones that cause an egg to mature and be released from the ovary.

The goal is to grow each reproductive cycle an egg from the ovary (there is an opportunity for fertilization and prepare a woman's body if assignment takes place). Menstrual bleeding is the best time to initiate a cycle that is the only time when it can be seen.
 Female Reproductive Physiology
On the first day of the cycle the different hormones involved is very low. Reduced estrogen levels causes the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland to secrete order blood FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Ovaries increased level of FSH in the blood and begin the process of egg maturation within ovarian follicle. While growing follicles to secrete estrogen.

This estrogen causes cells in the endometrium (uterine lining) to multiply and lining becomes increasingly thicker. Estrogen levels continue to rise for about 10 days until it is high enough to cause the pituitary gland to secrete the hormone LH. This sudden rise in LH hormone triggers the release of mature egg inside the follicle. Increased levels of estrogen also cause changes in the cervix and cervical mucus. Called ovulation, the release of the egg is about half the period of the reproductive cycle and means that the egg is ready for fertilization if sperm is present. At this point FSH and LH have the highest levels, but decreased estrogen level in two or three days after ovulation.
 Female Reproductive Physiology
Once an egg has been released, ovarian follicle cells that have lined change shape and color become a corpus luteum (yellow body). It secretes estrogen and progesterone, another hormone.
Is higher progesterone levels after ovulation and estrogen levels rise again. Increased progesterone levels cause an increase in female body temperature. In this phase of the cycle, the uterus lining is already 5-10 times thicker than the last after stopping leaks. But with progesterone from the corpus luteum lining changes to form distinct layers, nutritional and other qualities needed to sustain a pregnancy if the egg is fertilized. This also produces progesterone levels gradually decreased FSH and LH. When the FH site is quite down, corpus luteum is no longer stimulated estrogen secretion gradually stops and progersteronului. This decrease in FSH and LH causes the uterus to remove the lining - this is the first day of the next cycle.

If feritilizarea occurs, progesterone levels remain high and left uterine lining to house a fertilized egg. Spematozoid one is accepted in egg fertilization becoming together by a single cell. Successful fertilization occurs in the first third of the fallopian tube and begins its journey to the uterus (about 10 days) which is fixed in the lining nutritious and rich in blood. It nourishes the cell and soon develops embryo and placenta.

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