Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kegel Exercises

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are what could be called a practitioner a set of simple exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles around the platform with multiple beneficial effects on different aspects of our common life, both women and men.
Kegel exercises occurs perineal muscle rehabilitation with therapeutic (medical conditions or diseases psihosexologice) or improving some aspects of sexual life.

Kegel exercises have named after the name of the doctor, Dr. Arnold Kegel, who developed many practices and techniques for strengthening and toning the pelvic muscles (also called Kegel edges) for body health, longevity, sexual satisfaction and spiritual development.
Aim of Kegel exercises is to improve muscle tone by strengthening the muscle pubococcigian (PC) of the pelvic floor. Initially, the purpose for which they were created these exercises was to help women who have had trouble urinating, then it turned out that its benefits outweigh the medical field.
Kegel Exercises
Pubo bone-coccigian (PC) stretches from the back bone to pubic bone and muscle support PC and mesh bladder, vagina, uterus and part of the rectum. Muscle fibers are intertwined and surrounds the urethra, vaginal opening and the rectum (anus). These muscles are muscles called "Eros" because of the important role they have in vaginal contractions during intercourse. These muscles are the ones during pregnancy are at a constant pressure (supporting the uterus). Kegel exercises are often described as exercises for pregnant women with pelvic floor designed to prepare physiological pressure in the last months of pregnancy and during vaginal birth.
Like any other muscle in the body, and PC can lose tone and ability to contract as a result of the action of several factors (medical conditions, pregnancy, birth, age, menopause etc).
Both women and men can benefit from these exercises, although the concept of strengthening the pelvic muscle is often common in females than in males. Our recommendation for women who practice these exercises: not bad to train and partner in this activity because the benefits are numerous for both genders (for couples sex life and help improve the quality, timing intercourse).
Kegel exercises consist of episodes of contraction and relaxation of muscle PC, called progressive relaxation, an effective method that helps even some resistant areas of the body to release tension.
This exercise began to be popularized in 1984 by Dr. Kegel, but they were not even new: Recent studies have revealed that variations of these exercises were done hundreds of years ago by Taoists in China, or yogis in India. Their main purpose was the same: treat urinary incontinence.

Kegel exercises-adjuvant therapy in the treatment of medical problems and conditions
1. Kegel for both sexes:
** Stress urinary incontinence - involuntary urinating caused by the occurrence of stressors: coughing, sneezing, laughing.
> Common health problem for pregnant women (especially in the last months of pregnancy loses bladder control) and men who suffer from prostate problems (increased pressure, increased size, reduced bladder capacity leading to muscle spasm) .
> By strengthening the PC muscle is more control of your pelvic floor muscles and bladder.

Urinary incontinence ** Imperial (urgency) - is a strong need to urinate that can not be controlled in time (to get to a toilet) - specifies postmenopausal women and men with prostate problems.
> Pelvic muscle control will provide greater control over bladder.

** Enhance sexual response and sexual quality of life
* For both young and elder
> During orgasm pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically; strengthen the Kegel exercises lead to much more intense sensations by increasing contraction strength and frequency, and intensity of sensations felt during muscle contractions;
> These exercises helps men to have stronger erections and older age, multiple orgasms and to control ejaculation prolonging and enhancing sexual pleasure.

Sexual Therapy **
> In some cases of disorder of sexual dynamics, these exercises help a person along with psychotherapy to reconsider vision of erotic-sexual aspect of his life. This often autoreprima their origin and sexual pleasure is help them realize natural sexual needs and to want sexual pleasure.
2. Kegel women
Weakening of the pelvic muscles due pregnancy **
> Pressure from the uterus and birth cause excessive swelling of the vagina and vaginal muscles stretch and those of the pelvis;
> Kegel exercises help tone these muscles, preparing them for their effort and giving elasticity extinguished by constant training required.

Vaginal prolapse and uterine prolapse **
> Often these diseases occur in women after menopause, already uterine prolapse occurs due to uterine descent, the result of injury to tissues during childbirth (accentuated by age and loss of muscle tone).
> Kekel exercises can prevent uterine prolapse through muscle toning pubo-coccigian which supports the uterus;
> Kegel exercises are prescribed by doctors and health consultants and older and obese women or those who have undergone surgery in the abdominal area, thus preventing pelvic organ collapse caused by weak muscles;
> Kegel exercises hurry and healing after an episiotomy (incision in the vulvar region) or a rupture occurred during delivery.
Kegel Exercises
Vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy **-menopausal
> As a symptom of menopause vaginal dryness can be overcome by using simple measures of care and practice Kegel exercises regularly using a vaginal lubricant;
> Vaginal atrophy is thinning and inflammation of the vaginal wall after decreasing the amount of estrogen in the blood (often after menopause, but also during breastfeeding);
> Kegel exercises will strengthen and tone the vaginal muscles, invigorate tissues and will help you regain feelings of youth.

Menstrual cramps **
> Conducting exercises every muscle in the body results in the elimination of toxins and increasing blood and oxygen cantiatitatii in the area. Increasing the amount of blood and oxygen due to stimulation of pelvic blood flow through Kegel exercises lead to a considerable reduction of cramps during menstruation.

Uterine retroversion ** - pain during intercourse
> Practicing Kegel exercises with a special device to relieve pain during intercourse caused by retroversion uterus;
> Fortify muscles that support the pelvic organs helps prevent movement during intercourse uterus (a firm) reducing the possibility of having pain during intercourse.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy **
> By improving blood circulation in the rectal and vaginal hemorrhoids stagnating development (development of veins in this area).

3. Kegel men:
** Hyperplasia benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - enlargement of the prostate.
** Prostatitis (inflammatory condition of the prostate).
> By improving blood circulation in the area.
Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation **
> According to experts penis exercises strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation in the pelvis and provide greater control over muscle contractions of the penis, by toning pelvic muscles responsible for ejaculation.
Kegel Exercises
The main benefits of Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises enormous benefits in pregnant women. So they can prepare for the stress that it will suffer body during pregnancy. By toning the muscles will gain strength needed to support the growing uterus found especially in the last months of pregnancy. These exercises are useful to strengthen the PC muscle weakened after abdominal surgery, cesarean, excessive weight gain or aging. They also have very important role in strengthening muscles and bladder control urinary incontinence (frequent in pregnant women).
Kegel exercises are recommended to women who have passed the age of youth, facing problems of menopause, urinary incontinence and pelvic relaxation.
Clinical studies have revealed the important role in preventing the collapse of the pelvic organs and stimulate blood ciculatiei pelvis (by unlocking the arteries). Increased blood flow to the vaginal area increases sensitivity, leading to the possibility woman have multiple orgasms and prolong intercourse. Also by Edge PC contractions during intercourse may stimulate efficient and partner with both more intense and more pleasant side.
Kegel exercises for men allows them to have more control over sexual organ on ejaculariii and duration of intercourse. There is a better stimulation of the genitals to both partners by practicing alternative Kegel contractions during intercourse, the need to use synthetic lubricants decreases due to more intense response makes the vagina to produce greater amounts of lubrication. Fluid flow gets better and more intense for both partners. Learning to muscle contraction PC when you can procrastinate or intensify an orgasm. Perineum is composed of striated muscle muscles also trained in bodybuilding. So he can be trained and undergo the voluntary similarly by Kegel exercises. Coordinated with deep breathing exercises: Contract your PC muscle with each inspiration. Prolonged contraction of the PC muscle can stop multiple pulsatile contractions that accompany ejaculation.
Men can practice these exercises since the age of 20 years, preventing some medical problems that can occur throughout life and ensuring a better quality of sexual life.
A simple Kegel exercise involves two equally important steps: the perineum contraction contraction and relaxation train sanvin flow to the vagina / penis contributing to a high state of excitement over the years or whether other factors tend to diminish. Relaxation serves to control the timing of ejaculation and orgasm (avoidance, postponement).
Associated with natural penis enlargement exercises, Kegel exercises can lead to a better erection and enlargement of tissue.
Older men are advised by doctors to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles to improve control of the urethra and rectum. To increase difficulty and exercises is recommended to apply a weight effects on the penis (towel) during their execution.
With the advent of numerous devices and "toys" designed to help sexual exercise effectively, practicing Kegel program is fun and enjoyable practiced both individually and with partners.

Kegel exercises do not contribute to increase libido and does not cure the inability to achieve orgasm, problems often cause physical or emotional. Kegel exercises only affects the mechanical aspects of anatomy and sexual function.

Who can benefit from Kegel exercises?
Besides the advice that these exercises should be practiced by every man and woman of any age to ensure good muscle tone PC, they are particularly useful include the following groups:
> Pregnant and postpartum women;
> Women and men with incontinence problems;
> Women seeking to prevent pelvic and uterine prolaspsul;
> Women whose job involves heavy lifting (weights handling various manufacturing industial etc.);
> Women who are pregnant, for maintaining vaginal tone with age (menopause);
> Men seeking to prevent prostate problems called;
> Men who have erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Kegel technique - Kegel exercise performance
Kegel exercises can be done anywhere without others realizing (less to men whose contractions can be observed in certain parts of clothing). They are easy to practice but be careful / is to apply a correct technique, have a position and do not abuse these exercises (can be counterproductive).
Kegel Exercises
Empty your bladder before you a daily exercise program puca to find a comfortable position or you can alternate different positions for increased efficiency:
-Lying position on the back - a good position for beginners because it is easier to avoid contracting the muscles of the buttocks or thighs in an attempt to make Kegel exercises, similar-supine position, on one hand, on the back with knees to chest. Breathe deeply and relax your entire body.
-Sitting position, this position is most appropriate if you are sure you have correctly identified the PC muscle, remove the clothes to insert a finger into the vagina (anus in men, or identify muscle that connects the male sexual organ and rectum) and muscle contraction PC (generating a feeling of start-stop urine flow).
Stand-in is an advanced-practice exercises and practice the same repetitive contraction-relaxation blocks but with legs wide apart, these exercises have a higher degree of difficulty due to less favorable posture contractions.
-During sex - intensity increases considerably, you will stimulate mutual sexual organs rhythmic contractions correlated with breathing, and you have more control over the act itself (duration, orgasm).
Positions in which you can practice this exercise difficulty determine the degree of resistance of the body. The most convenient is the sitting position. Difficult position: on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, hips raised, pushing hips back and forth during the lunge.

Do not make a habit of practicing Kegel exercises while urinating, as this practice could lead to weakening of the muscles that support the bladder and increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

During contractions must feel as pelvic muscle will tighten the anus and urethra. If at the same time you feel tense abdomen and buttocks, it means that you exercise the muscles that need. Way of performing Kegel exercises are the same for women and men. Buttocks muscles do not contract or only abdominal muscle that serves to retain urine.
When you have correctly identified the PC muscle contracted and hold for 3 seconds and then release the tension and relax for 3 seconds. You can repeat this movement 10-15 times / session. Try to apply 2 - maximum 3 sessions / day. Kegel exercises are only effective if practiced regularly. As you advance in this technique, you have to realize blocks repetitive contraction and relaxation for 5 seconds, then 10 seconds.

Basic exercises are of three types:
1. Slow contractions - similar muscle contraction muscle contraction to stop urine flow and maintain contraction for at least 3 seconds.
2. Fast-pulsatile contractions - is rapid contraction and relaxation, rhythmic, throbbing (you can have fun trying to follow a certain pattern, own, music etc).
3. Pushing - mimicking the action to guide an object to the outside (ie birth).
* A more difficult exercise is one of "elevator":
Exercise consists of contraction and relaxation controlled, gradual ascent and descent PC muscle gradually like an elevator. Start from hole vagina contracted, advanced easily, making breaks to the end channel. Gradually relaxed.
Kegel Exercises
Devices used during Kegel exercises - dedicated to women
These tools "helper" should be used and stored in optimal conditions of hygiene.
The Kegel
* Is a medical device designed for women to train and tone the PC muscles. It can be of 3 types: bar, spring or rubber bulbs. Their role is to help them better tone the pelvic muscles through various exercises planselui created with their (vaginal absorption-push) to control the force of contraction, restraint and gradually release the PC muscle.
It is not necessary to use these devices to practice Kegel exercises, but these tools can help in case of a severe muculare relaxation.
If you want to deepen more advanced techniques, you can practice these exercises on large plastic balls used exerted on the back and buttocks edge. Concentration and energy used to maintain balance on the ball will help to a better workout. You can stay in a sitting position or lying on your back on the ball.
Vaginal weights
These are like small pads, metal encased in plastic that enter the vagina. The exercise consists in trying to retain them inside the vagina.
Ben Wa Balls
For practitioners who want to deepen these exercises, Ben Wa balls can help in this regard. These are some cases spherical metal ball the size of a grain containing a small weight that rotates inside it. These balls but they can be different sizes, weights and shapes, some being attached by two (balls "geisha"), others with only a cord attached to retreat.
They are inserted into the vagina and moves back and forth through msuchilor vaginal contraction and relaxation. Exercise is to attempt to retain them at bay while you pull the cord attached or simply hold them inside the vagina. This is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen pelvic platform.
Benefits of using these ball weights are related to women's frustration about the correct application of Kegel technique and inability to assess progress.

Apply the correct technique? Abuse may be counterproductive.
Stop execution of the exercises if you experience muscle inflammation or discomfort during exercise Kegel PC. Make sure that you feel is inflammation located in the pelvic floor, not inside the vagina (Kegel exercises should not cause any pain to the vagina). If discomfort comes from the loading platform means that you have excessive pelvic training and must allow muscles to rest for a while.
Kegel exercises can resume without exceeding 2 sets of 5 minutes per day or 3 sets of 10 exercises contraction-relaxation. If sensations are available even in these conditions, shorten the period between contraction and relaxation (up to 3 seconds). Consult a doctor if the pain persists or feel that you exercise your muscles not to be.
Unfortunately many women practice these exercises in an incorrect manner, without knowing. Instead strengthen muscles by contracting them draw a deep breath and push down technique called the Valsalva maneuver, which is counterproductive.
To ensure the correctness of practicing these exercises or if you figure it out / calling a physician or physical therapist to be assisted with professional devices designed to monitor muscle activity (Biofeedback).
Biofeedback is a method of amplifying the positive electrodes are placed on the abdomen and along the anal area (sometimes a sensor is placed in the vagina or anus women men) to monitor pelvic muscle contraction platform. This method allows observation, sensory perception and auditory signals when the exercise is performed correctly.

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