Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ADHD - attention deficit - hyperkinetic disorder

ADHD (within the international use: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder = attention deficit / hyperkinetic disorder)
Synonyms: hyperkinetic syndrome, attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
The period for international use ADHD refers to a condition characterized mainly by a profound disorder of attention. Known among specialists and as the hyperkinetic syndrome, the neurobiological disorder occurs both in children and adults, the incidence is higher in males. (9% in boys compared to 3% in girls).
EtiologyThe latest medical research incriminate genetic factor for the manifestation of ADHD.In this disorder often speak of relevant family history: siblings, parents or other relatives also suffer from ADHD, although in varying degrees.
Experts have noted some disorders of cerebral metabolism. It seems that the neurotransmitters responsible, especially dopamine, it works best at neuronal synapses. Medical imaging has shown that these functional disorders are manifested especially in those brain regions that are centers responsible for processing sensory information and perceptions (basal nuclei and frontal lobe). Therefore appear impaired attention, concentration and perception. Investigation using PET (Positron Emission Tomography = Positron emission tomography) showed that these brain areas have a lower consumption of oxygen and glucose than in healthy children. Moreover, people with ADHD have smaller frontal lobe.
Experts have noted some disorders of cerebral metabolism. It seems that the neurotransmitters responsible, especially dopamine, it works best at neuronal synapses. Medical imaging has shown that these functional disorders are manifested especially in those brain regions that are centers responsible for processing sensory information and perceptions (basal nuclei and frontal lobe). Therefore appear impaired attention, concentration and perception. Investigation using PET (Positron Emission Tomography = Positron emission tomography) showed that these brain areas have a lower consumption of oxygen and glucose than in healthy children. Moreover, people with ADHD have smaller frontal lobe.
Incriminated etiologic factors are:
Agents Ambient: consumption of alcohol or cigarettes during pregnancy, stress during pregnancy, high levels of lead in children's body care;Craniocerebral trauma or hypoxia at birth: only a small percentage of children suffering from ADHD have brain injury or brain damage by hypoxia at birth;Sugar and food additives: are not the main cause, but may worsen symptoms, especially those of body movement.
Hyperactivity Attention Deficit Disorder [ADHD], Attention Deficit Disorder [ADD]German translation:Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung [ADHS] Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätssyndrom, Hyperkinetische Störung [HKS] Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitstörung [ADS] Hyperkinetisches Syndrome [HKS].

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