Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ADHD - attention deficit - hyperkinetic disorder - Clinical

The clinical picture of disease is dominated by disorders of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Depending on the prevalence of symptoms, there are three types of patients with ADHD: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type (does not show significant impairment in attention), predominantly inattentive type (not typical behavior hyperactive-impulsive, so ADD-nomenclature is also used But that is incomplete to describe the clinical picture of the entire disease), and combined type (inattention presents both symptoms, hyperactivity-impulsivity as well).
Attention disorders associated:The child has the problem of concentration;Most of the times to complete tasks reuseseste not be bored after a few minutes (if the activity is engaged in yet makes fun, the child will not get bored so fast) and move from one activity to another;Can not follow instructions or do their homework, homework becomes a sensitive subject (or forget them at home, or are full of mistakes), being a cause of frustration for both the child and parent;It is quickly distracted by sounds and images insignificant;Is disorganized in everything we undertake;Avoid activities that require sustained mental effort mental;Often lose auxiliary materials for homework and games (pens, books, books, toys);Is forgetful;Manifest difficulty to focus on details and make mistakes inadvertently.
Hyperactivity is manifested as follows:The child runs, climbs all over, grab things and play with everything;Talk assembly;He heads off nails and pencils;It is very noisy when playing and adapt with difficulty to a quiet style of play;Can not sit still, for example at the table, the lessons at school;Yes the hands or legs, foieste a wheelchair;Beat with your finger or stylus mass;For adolescents and adults with anxiety or restlessness occurs inside or by the need to make something permanent, often trying to do several tasks simultaneously;
Impulsiveness:The child seems unable to modulate immediate reactions or think before acting;Rushes to answer questions before they are made to the end;Express their emotions and act uncensored without the consequences of his conduct;Can not stand waiting their turn or a column in a game situation or group;Often snatch toys and other children can be very violent;He often interrupts others, intervene in conversations or games;Talk too much, regardless of the social;
Behavioral disorders:Approximately 60% of affected children are aggressive, quickly lose their temper, argue and refuse to do what they ask;Conduct disorders: child destroys things, mind, steal, break rules;Child has specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia;Depressive symptoms may occur;Feeling anxious;Irritability, traversing oscillating mind, outbursts of anger, sensitivity to criticism;

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