Termenul phyton deriva din cuvintul grec/latin planta. Tinea poate afecta capul, fata, barba, unghiile, zona inghinala, trunchiul si extremitatile si palmele, plantele, pliurile interdigitale. The term derives from the Greek word phyton / Latin plant. Tinea can affect the head, face, beard, nails, groin, trunk and extremities and palms, plants, interdigital folds. Tinea se caracterizeaza prin placi scuamoase rotunde cu margini ridicate, pustule si vezicule , cele din zonele paroase prezinta alopecie . Tinea is characterized by scaly round plates with raised edges, pustules and vesicles , the hairy areas shows alopecia .
Factorii de risc pentru tinea cuprind conditiile de umezeala a pielii, folosirea piscinelor, status imunocompromis, atopie, predispozitie genetica, abraziuni ale pielii si trauma. Complicatiile tineei cuprind extinderea bolii si suprainfectarea bacteriana. Risk factors for tinea include skin moisture conditions, use of swimming pools, immunocompromised status, atopy, genetic predisposition, skin abrasions and trauma. You cared Complications include spread of the disease and bacterial superinfection.
Anumite forme de tinea pot fi recunoscute imediat si tratate cu antifungice. Some forms of tinea can be recognized immediately and treated with antifungals. Tinea corporis poate fi tratata cu agenti topici: crème, lotiuni, solutii, pudre, spray-uri. Pentru tinea capitis si infectiile unghiilor terapia topica este ineficienta. Antimicoticele orale sunt astazi drogurile principale. Tinea corporis can be treated with topical agents: creams, lotions, solutions, powders, sprays. For nail infections tinea capitis and topical therapy is ineffective. Antimicoticele main oral drugs are today. Sunt folosite doua clase de antifungice: azolii si allilaminele. I used two classes of antifungals: azolii and allilaminele.
Infectia pielii se rezolva in general in 1-2 saptamini fara sechele, cu terapie. Skin infection usually resolves without sequelae in 1-2 weeks, with therapy. Tinea parului si a unghiilor necesita 3-6 luni de tratament. Tinea hair and nails requires 3-6 months of treatment.
Patogenia dermatofitiei The pathogenesis of dermatophytic
Dermatofitii sunt fungi keratinofilici cu capacitatea de a invada tesutul keratinizat (par, unghii, orice zona a corpului), dar sunt restrictionati la stratul cornificat mort al epidermului. Pielea umeda favorizeaza stabilirea infectiei fungice. Keratinofilici are dermatophytic fungi with the ability to invade keratinized tissue (hair, nails, any area of the body) but are restricted to the epidermis layer cornificat dead. Moist skin favors the establishment of fungal infection.Egentul etiologic specific este frecvent asociat cu o regiune specifica a infectiei. Specific etiologic Egentul is frequently associated with a specific region of the infection. Tinea capitis determinate de speciile din genul Trichophyton si Microsporum este cea mai comuna infectie pediatrica dermatofitica. Tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton and Microsporum species of the genus is the most common pediatric dermatophytic infection. Predilectia pentru virsta tinara se considera a fi datorata lipsei unei flore bacteriene stabile si a sebumului fungistatic la aceasta virsta. Predilection for young age is considered to be due to the lack of a stable bacterial flora and fungistatic sebum that age.
De la locul inocularii hifele fungice cresc centrifuc in stratul cornos si inspre firul de par invadind keratina nou formata. The fungal hyphae grow inoculation site centrifuc in the stratum corneum and into the hair shaft invaded the newly formed keratin. Necesita 2 saptamini pentru a produce modificari clinic vizibile. Requires 2 weeks to produce clinically visible changes. Evolutia naturala a tineei capitis cuprinde rezolvare spontana la pubertate o data ce a inceput producerea de sebum. Natural evolution of tinea capitis include spontaneous resolution once puberty has begun production of sebum.
Invazia parului este impartita in 3 tipuri. Locul formarii artroconidiilor (corpi formatori de spori) clasifica speciile cauzatoare ale infectiei astfel: Invasion of hair is divided into three types. Artroconidiilor training place (body trainers spores) of infection-causing species classified as follows:
-speciile ectotrix: conidiile se formeaza la exteriorul invelisului parului. Ectotrix-species: conidia are formed on the outside lining of hair. Cuticula este distrusa iar zonele afectate arata fluorescent verde-galbena la lampa Wood. The cuticle is destroyed and the affected areas show yellow-green fluorescent Lamp Wood. Este cauzata de M. It is caused by M. canis, M. distortum, M. ferrugineum, M. audouinii canis, M. distortum, M. ferrugineum and M. audouinii
-speciile endotrix: conidiile se formeaza in invelisul parului, fiecare fiind plina de spori si hife; cuticula nu este afectata iar parul nu prezinta fluorescent la lampa Wood; este cauzata de speciile trichophyton. Endotrix-species: conidia are formed in the lining of hair, each filled with spores and hyphae, and the hair cuticle is affected not fluoresce on Wood's lamp, is caused by Trichophyton species.
Cauze si factori de risc pentru dermatofitie Causes and risk factors for dermatophytic
Variatele infectii cu tinea sunt cauzate de specii ale genului Microspora, Trichophyton si Epidermophyton. Tinea corporis este determinata in principal de T. Various tinea infections are caused by species of the genus Microspora, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Tinea corporis is primarily determined by T. tonsurans, M. canis si T. rubrum . tonsurans, M. canis and T. rubrum.Factorii de risc pentru tinea cuprind: Risk factors for you include:
-conditii de umezeala, baile comunale -Wet conditions, communal baths
-status imunocompromis, sindrom Cushing -Immunocompromised, Cushing's syndrome
-atopie, predispozitie genetic, activitati care presupun contactul pielii. -Atopy, genetic predisposition, activities involving skin contact.
Very informative & useful. Thanks for the post.
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Nice post. Thanks for share this post. Headboards
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