Thursday, November 15, 2012

And sexologist sexology

And sexologist sexology

What is sexology?
Sexology is the scientific study, systematic human sexuality, that sexuality phenomena related to the body (genitals, characteristics and sexual function) and spirit (eroticism, sensuality, love etc) erotic-sexual behavior (normal and pathological) sexual interests, study and treatment of disorders of sexual dynamics, sexual education.

As specialization, sexology includes segments from several academic fields such as medicine, psychology, sociology, biology, anthropology, epidemiological, statistical and crominologia. This interdisciplinary overlap is due to the complexity of sexuality and how we live, we influence and are influenced by fisica and mental health, emotional, behavior and the way we think and feel, connect with other individuals, professional performance and personal relationships torque , family etc..

Sexology studies sexual development and sexual relations, and mechanisms intercourse and sexual disorders. Provides information about the sexuality of special groups of individuals (persons with disabilities, disabled, children, elderly) and sexual pathology (sex addiction and sexual abuse of children). Some research results are controversial sexologist when current contradict certain religious and political.
Sexual behavior has its peak in Germany, but also end once the Nazi regime and demolition of the Institute of Sexology in Berlin. After the Second World War, sexology was reborn in the USA. Thus resumption of studies on sexual behavior, and studies on sexual function, sexual dysfunction led to the development of sexual therapy.
Sexology includes in his study all aspects of sexuality (except involuntary celibacy) and try to better characterize how "normal sex" and other variants of sale (including paraphilia - sexual perversion characterized by pleasure looking through a bizarre object or situation).
! Note:
Sexology is considered descriptive, not prescriptive: it attempts to certify certain facts document the sex, not to prescribe what behavior is appropriate, ethical or moral.
And sexologist sexology
What is the Sexologist?
Sexologist is a specialist physician or psychologist help patients solve certain disorders of sexual dynamics, to improve and diversify your sex life, how to confront and sexual incompatibility rezvolve couple.
This study sexual dysfunction, sexual disorders and erectile dysfunction, pedophilia or sexual orientation. Sexologist is difficult to decide whether the patient has a sexually charged or is necessary because of care working with a psychologist.
All sexologist also provides some information on sex education, anatomy and physiology of normal genitalia, sexual hygiene.
What is the instructor in Sex Coaching?
With sex coaching can maximize the potential pleasure, deepen your relationship and work together to achieve goals set and live a fulfilling life in sexually.
According to the International Coaching Federation, the concept of coaching (General Terms) is defined as a "learning partnership that accelerates the pace of customer performance and its progress personally and professionally."
Coaching has transformed character as defintiei European Coaching Institute - a process that "helps the client to give up what is now to become what he wants to become."
This partnership developed through coaching applied in the field of sexology - a learning process by re-defining, through which the patient is involved in a personal process of exploration and discovery, setting goals and implementing a specific plan with feedback.

As the difference between coaching and therapy is functional status and issue to the attention of: therapy targeting dysfunctional transition from a state to a functional state, while coaching - the transition from a state to a state of optimal functioning.

In terms of coaching and consulting major difference is that those in a position coach does not offer any advice and expertise - it helps the customer to find the optimal solution, provided he is not from the outside.
And sexologist sexology
Reviving erotic energy, reconnecting with passion, exploring sexual activities or new productive finding a way to express. Sex instructor coaching offers couples the opportunity to discuss client sexuality everyone as they would like everyone to be their sex life, how to overcome certain concepts, how to express some repressed thoughts and feelings, how to communicate effectively with each other.
A typical session of sex coaching establishes how did you get in a situation like you have identified a specific sexual problem, setting future direction, identify skills needed to achieve your goals, develop a common plan and how you can deal with all these changes . The tools used in this process are:
-Sexual counseling;
-Somatic sex education (based on a physical support);
-Learning receipt and supply a massage;
-Understanding of different sexual styles;
-Identification methods deeper insight into a range of sexual activities;
-Skills sensual and privacy.

Clinical sexology - multilateral approach
Clinical sexology inadequate and dysfunctional approach human sexuality using various research tools, treatment and guidance. Approach is somewhere halfway between sexual counseling and sex education on the one hand and direct training and practice to obtain sexual fulfillment and satisfaction on the other side.
Sexology clinic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of certain problems and sexual dysfunction, bringing together resources and information in this regard from several branches of study:
-Medicine: andrology, gynecology and anatomy of sexual organs;
-Psychology, sociology and anthropology sexual behavior;
-Neuroscience are used to study the sexual reflexes;
And psychiatric disorders studying sexual behavior when they are in a situation of clinical competence or reached the point where turned in dysfunctional problem or source of psychological difficulties;
-As some aspects of sexual behavior under the law and the law, criminology has a specific role in the study of sexual behavior disorders;
-Biology and ethology (study of animal behavior) compare sexual behavior of animals and humans;
-Provides information on STD epidemiology.
Sexology also includes matters of public interest such as abortion, public health, contraception, sexual abuse and reproductive technology.
What problems and sexual dysfunction can be treated using clinical sexology?
Sexual dysfunction is defined as inability of a person or a couple to experience the satisfaction and maintain normal function during sexual activity. Examples of sexual dysfunction is premature ejaculation, inability to achieve orgasm, painful intercourse, fear of intimacy and touch, feelings of guilt and embarrassment about various aspects of sexual, physical appearance and lack of sexual desire. Concluded that most clinical sexology sexual dysfunction is a result of the following causes:

# Lack of knowledge about one's body, genitalia and reproductive system.
# Lack of knowledge on the possibility of experimentation and sharing sexual pleasure.
# Guilt and shame felt about their body image, their own feelings and thoughts erotic sexual activity.
# Premature ejaculation disorders in terms of ability excitement, fear and embarrassment about privacy issues. inability to achieve orgasm and various issues related to sex and aging.
# Sex and physical inability, counseling people with disabilities.
# Sex and sexual abuse.
And sexologist sexology
Sex therapy consists of counseling, education, training and guidance in obtaining a satisfying sex life. Sex therapy is provided by counselors, sex therapists providing an environment ethical, moral, respectful, professional and safe for patients.
Disorders of sexual dynamics - the study of sexology topic
Disorders of sexual dynamics refers to the increase or decrease excessive sexual desire, leading to addiction, decreased libido, sexual inhibition, repulsion toward sex, denial and denial of desire and sexual needs. Some may be occasional failures can be treated immediately or may occur only once in life circumstances caused by triggers. But repeated disturbances affect intimate relationship with partner / a, creates tension, depression, separation, adultery, even influencing social relationships, ability to concentrate, intellectual and professional performance.
These disorders sexual dynamics can be divided into three broad categories:
* Disorders of orgasm: male anorgasmia, anejacularea, delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, premature ejaculation or lack or unconditional occasional orgasm in women.
* Excitability disorders: disturbance of lubrication in women, erectile dysfunction.
* Painful sexual disorders: painful intercourse, vaginimisul (reflex contraction of vaginal penetration).
Is sex the real problem?
Certain disorders and sexual problems can be triggered by other factors, not just sex:
Partner, spiritual alienation / a connection loss, neglect physical contact directly with him / a
-Feel neglected or unappreciated, unmaintained.
-Wrangling, argumentative frequent nagging.
, Financial problems, work related stress, family conflicts.
-Affair with other partners / e - adultery.
Such problems must be resolved with a marriage counselor - because we need to feel engaged and satisfied in your relationship so you can improve your sex life.
Sexology-school material?
Although our world is bothered by sexual topics, images and sexual innuendo is ironic to consider sexology topic scoalara program inadecavat for educational cycle.
In Toman of 2009 appeared in the online environment an application online signing of ptetiti regarding the introduction of sexology classes in schools and colleges. This petition has been made and claimed by teenagers because they think you have to know certain aspects of sexuality when they become sexually active.
The findings of sexology importnate
Sexology emerged in society as separate professional medical discipline after the sexual revolution of the 60s - 70s changed the approach to sexuality in society and pulled the woman from the yoke of man, social and professional empowerment of women.
And sexologist sexology
The greatest discoveries of the last century and a half sexology are:
1. Non-procreative sexual behavior is normal.
A psychiatrist considered at that time one of the revolutionaries sexology defined in a book, document sexual perversity as any sexual behavior deviated from the role and character procreative heterosexual. But his book had the opposite effect: many doctors have concluded that certain activities described and classified as being perversions are actually normal activities, often practiced.
2. Bisexuality as sexual behavior there.
Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychiatry has noticed that in some degree we are all bisexual. Based on this idea, Alfred Kinsey (sec 20) created to determine the Kinsey scale of sexual orientation-conclusion: There are many who are assigned the middle of the scale (which have the full range completely heterosexual and homosexual).
3. Medical science can transform men into women and vice versa (1930-first sex change operation male-female-patient death due to failure later, the first operation considered a success occurred in 1952).
4. Women orgasm. (Scientifically demonstrated the existence of orgasm in women, then discovered the G-spot and female ejaculation -1950).
5. Pregnancy can be prevented with a pill. (1960 - pill originally prescribed to women with menstrual cramps).
6. Homosexuality is not a disease. (1973 was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - a happy homosexual can be just as healthy as any heterosexual, some emotional and mental health problems were found in individuals marginalized, frustrated, inhibited).
7. Many cases of impotence can be cured with a pill. (Viagra, 1998)
8. Orgasm can be determined by direct neural stimulation of spinal cord (1998).
This was discovered during treatment of a chronic back pain by stimulating the spinal nerves, finding the solution to cure female sexual dysfunction
9. Woman's ovulation happens more than once a month.
In 2003 scientific research led to the conclusion that a significant number of women have 2-3 ovulation period / month. This discovery could have a huge impact in deeper understanding and fertile woman's hormonal cycle.

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