Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bad breath can be inherited

Bad breath can be inherited

Bad breath is obviously related to the colonization of bacteria in the mouth. Here are some bacteria that are responsible for unpleasant odors.

Lack of oral hygiene leads to rapid multiplication of bacteria in the mouth. Special anti-bacterial agents and strict and proper oral hygiene can keep matters under control, sometimes only temporarily.

With the application of antibacterial agent interruption, bacteria multiply causing an unpleasant odor in the mouth.
Bad breath can be inherited
According to the study in the journal "Applied Microbiology", there are groups of bacteria that appear to be innate, such problems do not occur to everyone equally.
 Bad breath can be inherited
Genetics and bad breath
Bad breath can be inherited
Our genes and form language are responsible for the cause of bad breath. Some type of language is difficult to remove, hide bacteria and their removal is difficult.

  Languages ​​that have a long central canal or have large buds (called hairy languages​​) are prone to having bad breath.
Bad breath can be inherited
Allergies are an important factor in terms of bad breath, as a result of excessive nasal mucus, bacteria multiply causing halitosis.

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