Sunday, May 29, 2011


Scoliosis is a type of deformation of the spine. The vast majority of patients to the doctor initially because of a perception of deformities. This can be seen by the patient or his family.Deformation consists of asymmetric shoulders, chest or waist.Scoliosis is a condition described as painless. Shows normal spine curves, some curves in the neck, upper torso and lower back are normal. People need these spinal curves to keep the top half of the body balance and alignment with the pelvis. When there is a new lateral curvature of the spine, right or left or an already existing, the normal stresses is called scoliosis.
Scoliosis affects 2% of women and 0. 5% of men in the general population. There are many causes of scoliosis, including congenital spine deformities, genetic conditions, neuromuscular problems and lower limb inequality. Other causes of scoliosis include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscle atrophy and tumors. Over 80% of scoliosis are idiopathic.There are some signs that alarms the patient and his family. These include different height of the shoulders, a short question raised ribs of different heights, uneven waist, changes color and texture of the skin that covers the entire body deformation and tilting to the right or left.
Once it is determined that the patient has scoliosis, there are several treatment options. They depend on the maturity of the spine, the degree of curvature and how it affects your lifestyle, location and potential for progression of scoliosis. Conservative therapy is recommended for small curves with low risk of progression. Statistical they do not cause problems in adult life. I watched X-ray once a year to confirm nonprogressive. If scoliosis is a degree of curvature over 25 degrees and wearing a doctor will progress bars to prevent aggravation of the condition, but not reduce the existing curve. These rods are made of plastic and follow the specific contours of the patient's spine, the straps are attached. This process stops progression scoliozeii to 74% of patients with idiopathic scoliosis. The advanced curves is not effective. Corrective surgery is used to treat adult scoliosis in some cases.
Pathogenesis of scoliosisAnatomy of spineThe spine is divided into three parts: the cervical spine, thoracic and lumbar. The column consists of bony vertebrae, discs, cartilage, joints small nerve structures, muscles, ligaments and spinal cord that work together to allow movement and body support. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar.Cervical vertebrae at the base of the head start. Here are eight pairs of cervical nerves that control movement neck, arms and upper body. The cervical vertebrae are hard to sustain the weight of the head. Ontine thoracic spine vertebrae and 12 pairs of ribs 12. Nerve roots in this area are responsible for moving the middle portion of the body. Structures of the chest ribs and protects internal organs. The biggest and strongest bone in the lumbar spine are the vertebrae. Body height lumbar support. The five pairs of nerves located here are responsible for movement and sensory leg funstiile. In the lower spinal column there are two bones: the sacrum and coccyx. The sacrum is composed of five bones welded together naturally, and from four small bones attached to the coccyx. The nerves control the muscles here buttocks and pelvic organs.Idiopathic ScoliosisIt is divided into four categories according to age:- Infantile scoliosis - children under 3 years- Juvenile scoliosis - children between 3-9 years- Adolescent scoliosis - 10-18 years old- Adult scoliosis - after skeletal maturity.Pathophysiology of scoliosisThe most common form of scoliosis is teens to young adults who develop the onset of puberty. Persons with a history of spinal deformity are at risk of developing scoliosis. Early detection of disease is essential.Development of scoliosis can be explained on the basis of biomechanical Heuter-Volkmann law, which says that the pressure epiphyses delayed growth rate and growth rate of voltage increase. In scoliosis, lordosis deformity is essential, deviated spinous processes in the concave side curve. As the rotation progresses, the epiphyseal mechanical loading on one side forcing increases lateral deformation. As scoliosis is a deformity by lordosis, rotation and lateral bending of vertebrae.
Causes and risk factors of scoliosisScoliosis is divided into two main types: structural and postural.Idiopathic type is structural.Postural ScoliosisIt is a flexible deformation is confirmed by the failure of correct positioning and spontaneous when the patient bends the convexity part of the curve. Although it is a transitional form and structural scoliosis can become fixed if it is habitual and chronic. Common causes are the usual abnormal position of the spine, a short leg, disc prolapse, pain.Structural ScoliosisIt is a rigid deformity that can not be corrected by changing the asset posture.This case shows:Congenital: absence of normal spine formation, lack of segmentation (vertebrae fuzate)Mesoderm-causes: neurofibromatosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, mucopolizaharidoza-Neuromuscular: disrafismul spinal myelomeningocele, muscular dystrophy, Friedrich ataxia, cerebral palsy, artrogripoza-Skeletal dysplasia-Infections such as tuberculosis, osteomyelitis piogenica-Tumors: meningiomas, osteom, astrocytoma, metastases.

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