Sunday, May 29, 2011

Viral Arthritis - Treatment

Viral arthritis is generally mild and require only symptomatic treatment with analgesics and NSAIDs. In severe cases we recommend aspiration of fluid from the affected joint to relieve pain. Hepatitis A Treatment is symptomatic with analgesics and NSAIDs. Prophylaxis for contacts is also important. In parvovirus B19 infection is symptomatic treatment. In hepatitis B, there is no evidence that early therapy with alpha interferon or antiviral agents decrease the rate of chronicles or hasten healing. Most patients with acute icteric hepatitis B infection recover without sequelae or chronic hepatitis. CONTACTS prophylaxis is recommended.Hepatitis C requires administration of interferon alfa-2b.Combination therapy with ribavirin shows beneficial response.Patients with cryoglobulinemia complications are best treated by antiviral therapy. However, corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide may be required initially in patients with vasculitic complications, severe. Rubella infection receive only symptomatic treatment with analgesics and NSAIDs. It is recommended moderate doses of steroids to control symptoms and viremia. Treatment is symptomatic infections alfavirusuri. Avoid aspirin to prevent hemorrhagic component of specific eruptions. Cloroquina phosphate was used when NSAIDs are not effective.
Therapy in HIV infection include:-Using a combination antiretroviral-Symptomatic treatment with analgesics and NSAIDsAdministration of sulfasalazine and methotrexate-refractory to NSAID therapy-Prednisone, antimalarial drugs used in patients with polymyositis, reactive arthritis, Sjogren like syndrome, psoriatic arthritis and vasculitis-Retroviral therapy and prophylactic sulfamethoxazol-trimethoprim, pentamidine help relieve symptoms associated with rheumatic-Imunoglobuloina intravenous interleukin 12, interferon gamma, and sargramostim are effective in some HIV-infected patients with arthritis.

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