Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Acute Bronchiolitis Signs and symptoms

Acute Bronchiolitis
Signs and symptoms
Bronchiolitis is seasonal, being a source of viral infection usually a family member who has a less severe respiratory disease. Children older than better tolerate bronsiolar edema compared to infants, does not have specific symptoms of the disease.
The main causes of acute bronchiolitis may be the following: impaired lung function, habitat conditions (crowding at home, mothers smoke and cigarette smoke in this room inhabited), eating habits (lack of natural food). Children who attend collectivities (nurseries, kindergartens) are more vulnerable to disease. The clinical picture of the baby in its early stages of the disease shows symptoms of a mild respiratory tract infection manifested by serous nasal discharge (CORIOZA) and stirred. After a few days symptoms are diversifying: diminurea occurs appetite, fever syndrome occurs with values of 38-39 degrees Celsius, the frequency of paroxysmal cough, polipnee, wheezing (cardinal sign of illness) with the progressive development of respiratory deficiency. Children have psychomotor agitation and irritability. Increased respiratory rate (tachypnea) to values over 60 breaths per minute is a difficulty sucking and swallowing, therefore breast and bottle feeding is influenced. In mild forms of the disease symptoms disappear within 2-3 days, but severe acute bronsiolitele worsens the severity of symptoms within a few hours.
On physical examination of the infant signs suggesting damage to the lungs can be distinguished: polipnee, wheezing, chest relaxed, and respiratory insufficiency characteristic signs: tachypnea (respiratory rate increase at a frequency of 60-80 breaths per minute), cyanosis and peribucal located at extremities, nose wing beats, their expansion during inspiration. Hunger for air suggestive of the existence of a severe degree of hypoxia will result in causing accessory respiratory muscles and intercostal retractions subcostale response to the effort.
On percussion the chest reveals diffuse hipersonoritate usually basal and due to pulmonary hyperinflation. Pulmonary rales crackles and listen to disseminate subcrepitante both lung fields, predominantly in late inspiration. Wheezing sounds from a distance because of prolonged expiration. Physiological vesicular murmur is mild forms of disease, in severe forms of hard charged almost entirely due to the existence of obstruction of the lumen bronsiolelor, and because increased alveolar hyperinflation.
The liver and spleen can be palpable in the coastal rebordul being lowered due to the existing lung hyperinflation.

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