Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Haemophilia type A Diagnosis

Haemophilia type A
Positive diagnosis:
To issue a diagnosis of hemophilia correlates the clinical and laboratory data. Clinical symptoms include: bleeding externalized, incoercible, deep hemorrhage (tissue, cavitary, visceral) sometimes extensive.
Laboratory testing reveals efctuate: bleeding time (TS) normal clotting time (CT) increased by performing the test tube, Howell, they are screening tests. It also highlights the prothrombin consumption low, normal is between 40-50 seconds. PTTK PTT and factor VIII increase when less than 20%. Thromboplastin generation test is altered during Quick (TQ), TS, thromboplastin, fibrinolytic activation is normal. During two of the clotting cascade, the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin under the action of thromboplastin time is explored Quick (TQ), it is normal for the thromboplastin is added from outside. The first stage of coagulation, intrinsic and extrinsic tromboplastinoformarea by the PTT and PTTK is explored. Tests of clotting time correction (TC) when fresh plasma is suggestive highlights hemophilia A and plasma factor adsorbed, suggestive of hemophilia B. Factor
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis is made with: deficiency of factors IX, XII; syndromes parahemofilice deficient in factors V and VII, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

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