Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fever in infants

Fever in infants

     * Introduction
     * Causes of fever in infants
     * Measures to reduce the fever

In the first months of baby's life, fever is a warning sign, because their immune system is still not fully matured and is able to fight effectively against infections.

Normal temperature in infants is 37 to 37.5 ° C and measured with a rectal thermometer medical thermometer or an ear. Since the normal temperature varies little from one baby to another, it is important to know who is the baby's normal temperature by measuring it a few times when not ill.

Over 38 ° C, it talks about the fever. Fever is common in infants, because they react to any infection by a sudden rise in temperature. This is a warning for young mothers, especially when it comes to their first child.
For parents it is important to measure the temperature correctly and the baby when he has a fever, to begin before the arrival of medical treatment.

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