Thursday, May 19, 2011

Artrogriposa - Treatment

It was not yet discovered a successful technique for artrogripoza.Limb alignment and is trying to establish ambulatiei and upper limb function for their own care. Early after birth, gentle physical manipulation improves passive and active movement. Early vigorous physical therapy to stretch contractures is very important to improve joint movement and prevent muscle atrophy. Patients respond well to this type of therapy. Depending on the etiology artrogripozei. Skin splitting with physical therapy is preferable.
Surgical therapy:Specific joint problems should be managed depending on location. Soft tissue surgery should be performed initially with osteotomies performed when growth is complete. In the accompanying joint clearance procedures with capsulotomii tenotomiile. It is necessary tijarea and wearing long-term support devices.
Prognosis:The ventilator dependent infants is associated with adverse prognosis. Prenatal factors that predict respiratory failure include loss of fetal movements, polihidraminosul, micrognathia, and thin ribs. Some patients develop secondary skeletal deformities original changes, which include scoliosis and carpal bones and deformed tarsus. Contractures can be underdeveloped limbs after enduring. Abnormal external genitalia: labia absent criptorhidism abnormal position of the balance due.
Prognosis depends on the origin of extrinsic or intrinsic defects.Extrinsic contractures have a good evolution, while the intrinsic prognosis depends on etiology.The prognosis also depends on:Natural-history, language development, motor and social-Affected limb growth, progression contracturesBrain-injuryContracture, asymmetry, changes in trunk-Socialization, response to therapy.Despite the prognosis for most severely disabled children with normal intellect can be good to allow a normal life, independence.Yet they remain partially dependent on others.

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