Basal cell carcinoma
Signs and symptoms
Basal cell carcinoma is usually a disease of white people, especially those with thin skin. It is rare in black people. Ratio men: women is 3:2. Appears more common in adults especially in older people. Patients often have an ulcer that will not heal the duration variable. Typical lesion is seen on the face, ears, scalp, neck or upper trunk. Trauma easy as washing your face and towel dry initially, can cause bleeding. It often describes a personal history of occupational or recreational sun exposure. Intense sun exposure occurs in childhood or adolescence.
Physical examination. Several clinical subtypes may hidtologice different behaviors. Recognize the different types is important because it is often necessary for aggressive terapis ariante such as micronodular, infiltrative basal cell carcinoma or morfeoforma. When you are examining a possible skin cancer is advisable to use good lighting and optical enhancement. Affected skin must be stretched to estimate palpable tumor size and depth. Oblique illumination of the tumor may exhibit surface changes as supradenivelata edge.
Spheroidal cell carcinoma. It is the most common variants of basal cell carcinoma. Appears frequently on the head, neck and back. Features: -Waxy papules with central depression, pearly appearance Erosion or ulceration, bleeding, crustificare Supradenivelata-edge, translucent, surface teleangiectazii -History of bleeding from minor trauma.
Basal cell carcinoma Signs and symptoms Pigmented basal cell carcinoma. Unlike the variety characteristics of this variety nodular lesions contain brown or black pigment and are common in people with darker skin.
Basal cell carcinoma Signs and symptoms Cystic basal cell carcinoma. Cystic basal cell carcinoma lesions are translucent blue-gray cystic nodules that may mimic benign cysts.
Superficial basal cell carcinoma. This variety appears as scaly patches or papules red-red-brown, often with central fading. Erosion is less common in this form from the nodular. Superficial basal cell carcinoma is frequently on the trunk and has a low tendency to become invasive. Papules may mimic psoriasis or eczema, but are slowly progressive and does not predispose to an aspect fluctuent. Many tumors may indicate expuenrea to arsenic.
Micronodular basal cell carcinoma. It is an aggressive form of basal cell carcinoma of the typical distribution. It is prone to ulceration, may be yellow-white when it is stretched and is firm to touch. Maybe this a well-defined edges.
Basal cell carcinoma and infiltrating morfeaform. Sclerotic plates are aggressive subtypes and papules. The edge is usually defined and bad seextinde clinic over the edge. Ulceration, bleeding and crustificarea are rare. Can be confused with a scar.
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