Friday, January 28, 2011

Parietal lobe syndrome

Parietal lobe syndrome A tumor that develops in the parietal lobe gives the following clinical manifestations: - Open sensory seizures, usually following the cortege of clinical manifestations. They are found in most cases of parietal lobe tumors. Specific seizure type or epileptic crisis is sensitive local sensory-motor. Such a crisis occurs in the State or the opposite cerebral hemisphere hemicorpului affected. The patient reports sensations of tingling, stinging or burning sensation in the affected limb. S and seizures have been reported with changes in body scheme, in which case the patient stated that he feels upper limb controlateral as disproportionately large or, conversely, very small, or as it perceives them as neapartinandu. - Sensitivity disorders clinic hold the key in parietal lesions. The subjective sensitivity problems and meet objectives. Subjective sensitivity problems appear as tingling or pain in the controlateral hemicorpului. They are found throughout the parietal disease. Sensitivity problems if the objective is manifested by hipoestezii parietal lesions are superficial in the deep lesions is remarkable thermal sensitivity and pain disorders. The meet, also the sensitivity epicritice disorders. In more severe cases astereognozia meets, in which the tumor affects neighboring lobes. Astereognozia manifests as an inability to recognize objects by touch, not to recognize the material they are made.
- Disorders characterized by somatognozice hemicorpului controlateral neglect, the phenomenon named hemiasomatognozie, patient hitting that mid-body objects around him. Another clinical manifestation of disorders somatognozice is unable to identify one of the fingers indicated by the examiner or may not indicate who is right or left hand. Somatognozice disorders occur more frequently in Prieta lobe lesions on non-dominant hemisphere.
Other clinical signs and symptoms that occur in the parietal lobe tumors are motor disorders evidenced by a slight hemiparesis, upper limb muscular atrophies controlateral (thenar and hypothenar Eminence). Praxice disorders occur frequently, the patient is not able to perform actions that they knew very well, considering that efectorii mechanisms are intact.
Other disorders that occur are ideomotorie apraxia, the patient can not perform simple actions, ideatorie apraxia (inability to determine the sequence of elementary acts), dressing apraxia (forget the gestures dressing patient, a phenomenon that occurs mainly in non-dominant hemisphere damage) and constructive apraxia the patient is unable to draw simple geometrical figures, even in the face model.

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