Monday, January 31, 2011

Basal cell carcinoma Diagnosis

Basal cell carcinoma

Procedures performed.
Skin biopsy is necessary to confirm diagnosis and to identify the histological subtype of carcinoma. Shaving or puncture biopsy is usually done.
Tangential biopsy is sufficient for the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma. Avoid taking a biological specimen in excess because it can miss tumors. For example one can reepiteliza ulcerated tumor with normal epidermis while the tumor is present in depth.
Puncture biopsy is an easy way to obtain a small specimen. The suspect area can be biopsied to tumoriii. Avoid puncture biopsy curettage if the final treatment is planned.
Basal cell carcinoma Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: actinic keratosis, Bowen's disease, fibrous papule of the face, keratoacanthoma, melanocitici nevi, sebaceous hyperplasia, seborrheic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, trichoepiteliomul.

1 comment:

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