Friday, January 28, 2011

Frontal lobe syndrome

Frontal lobe syndrome For tumors located in the frontal lobe of the outbreak the following symptoms: - Psychiatric disorders: are found in most patients with tumors in the frontal lobe. Metastases and malignant gliomas are the most responsible for the occurrence of mental disorders. The frontal lobe plays a role in controlling personality, such as patients with an intracranial expansive process in the frontal lobe will show increased behavioral problems. At first interested affection. Patients become euphoric, were a permanent state of psychomotor excitation, shows an exaggerated optimism make pornographic jokes. Along with the development of tumor process, the state of euphoria is gradually replaced with a state of indifference, it alters your memory, lowers power of concentration, reduced performance at work. The frontal lobe is also a motivational center, the patient gradually loses interest in the world around them. If before the patient was very fond of and interested in the job, will get to work and even neglect their own person, will be indifferent towards the family and bystanders. Mental disorders usually accompany described above and show signs of increased intracranial pressure. These behavioral disorders can be easily confused with depression. Therefore, in such cases must be sought and any signs that could bring into question the existence of an intracranial tumor process. During the disease state meets pseudodemential syndrome, syndrome characterized by apathy, lack of will, total disregard to the surrounding world. The patient does not move, stay in one place and not only mobilizes the physiological needs. The conversation is remarkable lack of initiative, lack of interest in any subject. In advanced stages of disease when the tumor has grown much in size, meets decrease sphincter control.
- Epilepsy - this symptom occurs in more than half of patients with frontal lobe tumors. In some patients with epilepsy crisis begins adverse or generalized seizures. - Grand mall seizures are common in the tumor invades deep frontal lobe parenchyma. - Jacksonian seizures focused: they appear on the opposite half of the body affected cerebral hemisphere. These crises may be of interest strictly a particular member, superior or inferior, rarely hemicorpul all that interested. Sometimes seizures end leaves behind a transient paresis of the affected limb.
- Aphasia and clips: difficulty in speaking and writing is cursive. A feature of the aphasia and brain tumors agrafiei is that these disorders occur and evolve gradually, slowly, as the tumor increases in volume and affects more and more brain areas.
- Facial nerve paresis: paresis of VII nerve (or face) is the central type. It is accompanied by signs of pyramidal damage. Central type of facial palsy can be considered a pathognomonic sign for a growing tumor in the frontal lobe.
Other signs and symptoms that accompany brain tumors are located in the frontal lobe: motor disorders that become more pronounced with even more interested in how tumor motor area of the frontal lobe. Motor disorders usually occurs as a hemiparesis or hemiplegii affecting half the body opposite the brain hemisphere affected. In the frontal lobe tumors also meets forced grasping reflex. This reflex reaction is manifested by grabbing the last two fingers on each hand controlaterala when their daughter palm is stimulated by contact with an object. The reaction is involuntary and can not be stopped by the patient.
Cerebellar disorders are produced by damage dental Talamo-cortical pathways. Clinical manifestations of these disorders is materialized by cerebellar ataxia controlateral limb, hypotonia with reflex oscillation of opposite, opposing limbs dismetria adiadocokinezie (inability to make rapid alternative movements). Balance disorders occur relatively frequently and is manifested by gait and the static. Balance disorders arising in the context of a frontal lobe tumor called frontal ataxia Bruns. Also occur in most patients, impaired orientation in space, patients no longer recognize the house where they live, no longer recognize the street, etc..

1 comment:

  1. i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect,then mirapex as the disease progressed in february last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal medicine from ultimate life clinic,few months into the treatment i made a significant recovery,almost all my symptoms are gone,great improvement with my movement and balance,it been a year and life has been so good for me,reach them through there website at
