Thursday, May 19, 2011

Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are involuntary contractions of a muscle or muscle group. Cramps cause intense pain and inability to use muscles affected.
Cramps are unpleasant, often painful muscle caused by contraction or shortening. Can be caused by cold, low physical or overutilization of calcium in the blood (especially teenagers when they need Pein blood calcium and bone maturation). However, most commonly found to cause muscle cramps is low levels of blood sodium and potassium, along with excessive dehydration.Febrile illness or poisoning can also cause cramps, particularly in stomach-called muscle cramps.These muscles contract or relax spasms mu. Cramps are involuntary, can be very painful and are maintained from several seconds up to several minutes. Occasionally may take up to 15 minutes. Upon triggering spasm, the muscle is hard and visible.Spasm is due to spontaneous contractions and affect individual muscle groups.
Muscle cramps are common in athletes and older people who perform strenuous activities. Athletes are prone to leg cramps when the body is tired or is not properly trained effort. Develop cramps at the end of intense exercise and 4 hours later. Older persons are more succeptibile the normal cramps muscle atrophy beginning at age 40 and accelerates time with inactivity.Paramiotonie People with congenital myotonic severe defects or by glycolysis metabolic myopathies (McArdle's disease, Cori disease or Forbes disease Bulls deficit defidrogenaza lactate) can cause muscle pain and muscle spasms nonneurale.
Most cramps can be stopped evolving when muscle stretches. To recommend outpatient leg cramps. For gastrocnemius muscle cramp (thigh leg) may make the person can stretch the affected limb to support the hands on the wall. Gentle massage helps relax the muscles, also aplicxarea local heat. An unusual and unexplained therapeutic method is represented by firm pinching of the tissue overlying the lip, under nose and keep up to stop cramp ciupiturii (15 min). Botulinum toxin injections are used with success for some dystonic muscle disorders localized to a limited group of muscles. A favorable response can be maintained for several months.Treatment of cramps associated with specific diseases requires treatment.
Causes of muscle crampsThere are many causes of cramping: hiperflexia, hypoxia, exposure to sudden changes in temperature, dehydration, low sodium in the blood, or hypocalcemia. Muscle cramps can be a symptom or complication of pregnancy, kidney disease, thyroid disease, or hypocalcemia hipopotasemiei, restless legs syndrome, varicose veins and multiple sclerosis.Electrolyte imbalances can cause muscle cramps and tetany, especially low levels of potassium and calcium. This disorder derives from the large losses of interstitial fluid through sweat.Interstitial fluid contains a majority amount of water and salt from the body. The loss of osmotically active particles in muscle cells leads to disruption of osmotic balance and swelling of muscles.Edema cause impaired muscle calcium pump of sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen and muscle, troponin and calcium remains trapped in the muscle contraction is continued.Restless legs syndrome association was observed with muscle cramps, both the result of excess insulin. Avoiding low concentrations of glucose in the blood helps to avoid cramps.External causes:Many medicines can cause cramps. Strong diuretics (furosemide) that eliminates body fluids can cause cramping. They also cause loss of sodium and potassium, calcium, magnesium.Statins are known to cause myalgia and cramps among other adverse effects, including lowering blood glucose. Other risk factors are vigorous physical exercise, age, female sex, history of cramping in history and hypothyroidism. Up to 80% of the athletes who use statins suffer significant effects come true muscle.Coenzyme Q10 supplementation is useful to avoid some strength by combination with statins.Drugs such as donepezil (Alzheimer's) and neostigmine (for myasthenia gravis), raloxifene (osteoporosis) causes cramps.Tolcapone (Parkinson's) cause cramping in 10% of patients.Nifedipine (for arrhythmia, hypertension), terbutaline (for asthma) and albuterlul cause muscle cramps.Cramps are detected in patients who discontinued medication with a sedative, including alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines.Some vitamin deficiencies can cause muscle cramps, directly or indirectly: thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6).
Signs and symptomsCramps are extremely common. Almost every person has experienced a muscle cramp at some point in life. Cramps are common in adults and are common along with aging.Characteristic cramps are painful. One has to stop its activities because it can not use the affected muscle. Severe cramps and fever associated with muscle swelling that may persist for several days after cessation of cramp. Affected muscle protruding subcutaneously and is tough.Muscle cramps are common in athletes and older people who perform strenuous activities. Athletes are prone to leg cramps when the body is tired or is not properly trained effort. Develop cramps at the end of intense exercise and 4 hours later. Older persons are more succeptibile the normal cramps muscle atrophy beginning at age 40 and accelerates time with inactivity.
Types of Muscle cramps:Skeletal muscle cramps - Chassis:Skeletal muscles can be controlled voluntarily to other muscle groups. Of these the most commonly affected are those of leg cramps, thigh and sole. These cramps are associated with vigorous activity and can be extremely painful.Nocturnal leg cramps:Nocturnal cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur at night, sleep or less at rest. Duration of night cramps is very variable, from several seconds up to several minutes. Muscle pain may remain for a period after the cessation of cramps. These cramps are more common in the elderly, but may be encountered at any age. Are common in teens and some people who exercise at night. They can be very painful, especially if the person is dehydrated. Usually the application of pressure on the affected leg cramps outpatient determine disappearance.Precise cause of these cramps is unclear. Potential contributing factors are dehydration, low levels of certain minerals in the body (magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium) and decreased blood flow through the muscles, if prolonged rest. These cramps are relieved by stretching exercises of the affected leg and great toe flexion. Outpatient shortens cramps. Nocturnal cramps are considered normal in the advanced stages of pregnancy.Smooth muscle cramps - colicele:Underlying smooth muscle contractions cramps (colicelor) internal organs: intestine, uterus, ureter (renal lithiasis colic).Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)Menstruation is also a different intensity because of cramps in the abdomen, low back and groin irradiation. Menstrual cramps can be treated with ibuprofen, acetaminophen, stretching exercises or the application of local heat. Menstrual cramps that do not respond to these treatments may be symptomatic of endometriosis.Cramps in pregnancy:Some women may experience cramping at 7 days after ovulation.If these cramps are pregnant are called "implantation" and occurs when the zygote attaches itself to the uterus. Not all women feel them. Another type of cramp during pregnancy is "round ligament pain." This is a cramp that comes off as the muscles under your uterus expand to support the weight of the uterus. These cramps are not normal and bring medical problems.Cramps by dehydration and exposure to high temperatures:Exposure to heat cramps occur when the body's core temperature exceeds the safe internal organs. Heat cramps are the first signs of disturbances caused by heat. Loss of body salt through sweat musculrare cause painful spasms.Dyspnoea:In tetany all nerve cells in the body stimulating the muscles are activated. This reaction cause spasms or cramps throughout the body. The name is derived from tetanus toxin tetanus effect on the nerves. Today the name is used for muscles cramps and other etiology. Decreased calcium and magnesium also produces muscle tetany. Often they are accompanied by hyperactivity of other functions outside of the muscle nerve. For example, hypocalcemia can cause muscle spasms not only the hand and wrist, and perioral tingling sensation.Dystonic cramps:In this category are not required for the muscles that enable movement are stimulated to contract. The muscles that are affected by this type of cramping include those working in the opposite direction of the motion made and those who exaggerate the movement. Some dystonic cramps affect small groups of muscles (eyelids, perioral, neck, larynx). Hands and arms are affected while performing some repetitive motion (cramps writer, the musician). Each of these gates produces repetitive muscle cramps by fatigue.
Treatment of muscle crampsMuscle cramps can be treated by applying a gentle massage on the affected muscles, stretching hands above his head, inhaling deeply through your mouth and applying heat or cold. Heat improves blood flow to peripheral muscles and increases flexibility.Application of excessive heat or cold may aggravate the exhausted muscles cramping. Mechanical loading of the muscles are already exhausted or disability cause muscle cramps installation. Treatment for leg cramps is the fastest MEMBER lifting and stretching it by grasping fingers.
In case of inadequate oxygenation, excess lactic acid produced by anaerobic respiration determine the onset of cramps. Oxygenation is improved by rapid deep breaths.
Cramps by dehydration and lack of salt in the body are treated with water and salt consumption.Caused by excessive heat cramps contitii requires the following therapeuticIntro-fasting person affected by the cold breeze, a cool room-This will take a drink electrolytes (Gatorade, Pedialyte) or salt waterSpray water over the patient's skinWrap the patient in cool clothes, wet, wet compresses appliedWill mass-to-painful muscles and relax.
Eating foods rich in potassium helps prevent muscle cramps.
If the affected vein treatment for varicose veins with sclerotherapy, endovenous laser or surgery without relief of symptoms.
Quinina is prescribed to treat leg cramps. Commercial products containing mixtures of calcium gluconate, vitamin B3 and D3 are most suitable for treating these cramps.Botulinum toxin injections are used successfully for some dystonic muscle disorders localized to a limited group of muscles. A favorable response can be maintained for several months.Prevention of muscle cramps:Doctors recommend exercising before and after heat cramps are caused by physical activity. Proper hydration before, during and after activity is important, especially if the duration exceeds one hour effort. Excessive fatigue in hot environment should be avoided.The task will be to add calcium and potassium. Dystonic cramps caused by repetitive activities can be prevented by ergonomizarea easy job: support for the wrist, avoiding high heels, adjusting seat positions flosirea breaks and comfortable. Avoid excessive pressure making activities.Nocturnal cramps can be avoided by stretching exercises before bedtime.

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