Monday, January 24, 2011



* Introduction
* Causes
* Clinical
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
* Treatment according to disease stage
* Additional measures
* Preventive measures
* Prognosis
Bronchial Asmul is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. Bronchial asthma react to certain irritants and spasmodic narrowing, leading to paroxysmal dyspnea, which accompanies the production of abundant bronchial secretion and mucosal inflammation.
Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children, which usually occurs on a background reactions, while the adult form occurs mostly nonalergica.

Asthma lasts a few seconds to several hours. Triggers are considered to be allergens, upper respiratory infections, overwork, psychological pressure, cold, drugs, pollution of the atmosphere. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical examination, tests to assess lung function and allergy tests. One of the most important preventive measure is to avoid asthma triggers (dust, pets, cigarette smoke, etc..). Used to treat asthma sprays, betasimpatomimetice, cortisone preparations, anti-leucotrina and, if necessary, cromoglicinic acid. Severe cases require parenteral treatment. Prognosis of bronchial asthma in children is good.


Asthma is a disease of the airways characterized by chronic inflammation of respiratory mucosa. Airway narrowing in the presence of certain susbstante irritating, provoking, especially paroxysmal dyspnea, which occurs mainly at night or early morning. Evolution of chronic disease can lead, in time, irreversible airway narrowing.

Disease prevalence

Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children. In about 30% of cases the symptoms appear in the first year of life, and the remaining 70% develop specific symptoms until the age of 5 years. If illness onset occurs later, increases the probability that the triggering factor to be allergic. Bronchial Asmul persist in 5% of the adult population.

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