Cellulite is formed from fat cells that change shape due to lymphatic drainage and poor blood circulation. Collagen fibers surrounding fat cells growing in volume, forcing them to gather in small pockets and prevent such drainage of lymph fluid, rich in toxins. These small pockets of fat pushing the skin, which give the appearance of "orange peel".
Cellulite and causes:
- Hormonal imbalances (dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands)- Wrong diet, with excess sugar, animal fats, preservatives and food additives and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables- Sedentary- Stress, which affects the nutrition, fitness, body metabolism, favoring fat storage- Coffee and alcohol consumption
Cellulite and its formation stages:
Stage I: insignificant decreases subcutaneous tissue and skin tone becomes less compact. Skin surface is apparently smooth, but if the fold is tight skin on the thighs, there is the appearance of orange peel.
Stage II: orange peel appearance is evident not collect skin, especially in the prone position. Holes appear. Continuously decreases skin tone and skin like fades. Adipocytes are increased in volume, and blood flow more difficult to skin. There is a slight edema.
Stage III: an extended area of skin becomes more repulsive appearance - with multiple subcutaneous nodules, bumps and potholes. Each adipocytes can increase in volume of up to 50 times more than its original size, worsening the blood and lymph circulation. At this stage causes cellulite pielii.Trebuie sensitivity problems and to take urgent measures to avoid irreversible changes occur.
Stage IV: Finally, the skin becomes a matter of mounds and disfigures the body. Thighs and legs are starting to resemble a yeast dough, which has been drilling deep finger. Cellulite at this stage is a disease with severe movement disorders, with massive swelling, dilated veins. The skin becomes painful to the touch.A battle lost ...?
Certainly we NU.Depinde to win "confrontation" with cellulite, the enemy of beauty, but also our state of mind, acting primarily on predisposing factors.
1. Changing diet and detoxify the body: reducing consumption of coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks, but also, 2litri/zi minimum consumption of water, a balanced diet and refraining from eating saturated fats (pork), sausages, sugar2. Exercise: beneficial for both cellulite and for body health in general. It is recommended combos: jogging, aerobics.3. Cellulite Massage: Massage is a deep, powerful and effective adipose tissue remodeling4. Wraps gels: the application of anti-cellulite gels, followed by wrapping the affected areas with plastic wrap, combined with electro muscle massage5. Electro muscle: is the application of electrodes on the affected areas, producing muscle contractions6. Lymphatic drainage: preso is a massage, which acts on the chain of lymph nodes, it can be done with a machine called a compressor, which surrounds the legs, abdomen and feet.7. Mesotherapy: non-surgical procedure that is inserted deep structures of the skin in different homeopathic substances, vitamins classical effect on cellulite and body silhouette, and the quality of skin8. Lipoabsorbţia (liposuction): surgical removal of excess body fat located in different areas of the body
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