Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jaundice - jaundice syndrome

Jaundice - jaundice syndrome

* Introduction
* Causes
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
Jaundice is a yellow color defines the mucous membranes and skin, as a result of the bile pigments, as the clinical expression of jaundice over 2, 5 mg / dl. The term defines subicter yellowish discoloration of sclera not associated with skin color and give an increase of over 1, 8 mg / dl, bilirubin, but more than 2, 5 mg / dl. Subicterul jaundice and diseases are not only signs of liver disease, biliary or excessive intravascular hemolysis. The liver has three essential roles in the metabolism of bilirubin: download, conjugation and excretion. Of causes of jaundice: bilirubin overproduction beyond the abilities of the takeover of liver dysfunction takeover in intracellular transport, conjugation and excretion of bilirubin. Jaundice may appear and the causes of posthepatice, such as excretion canaliculara dysfunction, diseases of the bile duct, and prehepatice: hemolysis. Neonatal jaundice does not translate a disease, it occurs in some premature babies or newborns at term, due to hepatic immaturity, remitted a few days. Jaundice is considered a sign that translates to increased levels of bilirubin in the body. Patients may be asymptomatic or may present some of these signs and symptoms, depending on the cause of jaundice: -Nausea and anorexia -Vomiting -Fever Weight-loss -Itch Dark-colored urine Pale-chairs -Abdominal pain. In adults, the two most common causes of jaundice are viral liver and alcohol. Do not treat jaundice in itself, but because search. Neonatal jaundice does not require treatment, if it is severe and prolonged UV therapy is practiced, to make chemical and bilirubin may be excreted from the body.
Sources bilirubin. Approximately 90% of bilirubin arises from hemoglobin which disintegrated in the reticulohistiocitar lose the globin protein and iron. Bilirubin transport. Once released into the entire amount of bilirubin circulating plasma albumin. Liver metabolism. The liver is the main organ in which bilirubin is taken, conjugated and excreted in the gallbladder, where it will be stored and used as needed. Unconjugated bilirubin is collected and dissociated hepatocytes in bilirubin and albumin, bilirubin is taken and stored in the cytoplasmic proteins, hence the smooth endoplasmic reticolul reach, where glucuroniltransferazei in unison under the influence of direct bilirubin and excreted in bile canaliculi. Intestinal phase. Under the action of the bacterial enzyme, conjugated bilirubin reached the intestine is converted to urobilinogen, which is excreted in faeces some form of stercobilinigen, another part is resorbed by the intestine and returning to the liver where bile is removed again in form of bilirubin, and the last part is absorbed into the general circulation and excreted in the urine.
Any changes in bilirubin metabolism phases is translated by jaundice.

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