Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pick Disease

Pick Disease

His debut earlier than Alzheimer's disease and is difficult to distinguish from it. Imaging examinations showed lobar atrophy of the temporal lobes or frontal symmetrical (pathognomonic Pick disease), which can catch atrophy and basal ganglia.
Pathology, neurons are balonizati and the silver stain shows cytoplasmic inclusions known as Pick body, from the altered components of the neuronal cytoskeleton.
Differentiation of Alzheimer's disease is complicated by the fact that amyloid plaques are found in both cases the brain.
In terms of clinical Pick disease is a slowly progressive dementia. Symptoms include memory problems, loss of initiative, inability to name familiar objects, verbal stereotypy, patients lose the ability to conduct simple actions (eg do not know how to dress, use a lighter, etc..) reacts identically to different events.
Other symptoms are irritability that accompanies illness, emotional disinhibition, increased appetite.
There is no targeted treatment for Pick's disease.

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