Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pilar keratosis

Pilar keratosis is a genetic disorder of keratinization of hair follicles on the skin. It is a very common benign condition that is manifested by papules foliculocentrice keratosis, rough, small, described as chicken skin, in characteristic areas of the skin, especially arms and waist. Although not defined any clear etiology afwctiunea is described in association with ichthyosis vulgaris, xerosis and rarely atopic dermatitis , asthma and allergies.

Keratoza pilara afecteaza 50-80% dintre adolescenti si 40% dintre adulti. Pilar keratosis affects 50-80% of adolescents and 40% of adults. Cele mai multe persoane nu-si cunosct afectiune, faptul ca are o denumire clinica si ca este tratabila. Most people do not cunosct his affection, that has a clinical name, and that is treatable. In general keratoza pilara afecteaza cosmetic dar nu si medical. Este descrisa drept o afectiune a copilariei si adolescentei. Generally Pilar keratosis affects cosmetic but not medical. It is described as a disease of childhood and adolescence. Desi devine mai exagerata la pubertate se amelioreaza cu virsta. Although it becomes more exaggerated at puberty get better with age. Totusi multi adulti au keratoza pilara tardiv la senescenta. But many adults have delayed the senescence Pilar keratosis. Aproximativ 30-50% dintre pacienti au un istoric familial pozitiv. Approximately 30-50% of patients had a positive family history. Ereditatea autosomal dominant cu penetranta variabila este forma descrisa. Inheritance is autosomal dominant with variable penetrance as described.

Variatiile personale sunt descrise uneori, cu ameliorare vara. Pielea uscata iarna tinde sa agraveze simptomele. Personal variations are sometimes described, with improvement in summer. Dry winter skin tends to worsen symptoms. Keratoza pilara este autolimitanta si tinde sa se amelioreze cu virsta la multi pacienti. Unii prezinta toata viata afectiunea cu perioade de remisiune si exacerbare. Pilar keratosis is self-limiting and tends to improve with age in many patients. Some shows lifelong disease with periods of remission and exacerbation. Cazurile extinse pot determina desfigurare cosmetica si stress psihologic . Extensive cosmetic cases can cause disfigurement and psychological stress.
Datorita caracterului genetic al afectiunii nu exista nici un tratament curabil. Because of genetic disease there is no curable treatment. Remisiunile inconstant si variatiile sezonale si hormonale (sarcina) pot fi descrise. Remissions inconsistent and seasonal variations and hormonal (pregnancy) can be described. Desi simptomele se remit cu inaintarea in virsta si unele se vindeca spontan exista si cazuri care nu progreseaza favorabil. Although symptoms resolve with age and some cases heal spontaneously and that there is not progressing favorably.

Exista numeroase regimuri terapeutice pentru keratoza pilara. There are numerous regimens for Pilar keratosis. Multi pacienti au raspuns foarte bine la acestea. Many patients have responded very well to them. Tratamentul trebuie sa fie continuu. Treatment should be continued. Deoarece nici un tratament nu este universal benefic exista o multitudine de lotiuni si creme. As no treatment is not universally beneficial there are many lotions and creams. Procedurile chirurgicale minore de extractive a acneei pot fi utile in cazurile rezistente. Microdermoabraziunea este o metoda sigura, minim-invaziva pentru a exfolia pielea. Extractive minor surgical procedures can be useful in cases of acne resistant. Microdermabrasion is a safe, minimally invasive to-peel skin. Prognosticul general este bun. The prognosis is generally good. Multe cazuri s-au rezolvat cu inaintarea in virsta. Many cases were resolved with age. Totusi altele rezista pina la virsta adulta cu remisiuni si recaderi intermitente. Still others stand up to adult age with intermittent remissions and relapses.

Patogenie si cauze. Pathogenesis and causes.

Keratoza pilara este o afectiune genetica cu hiperkeratinizarea pielii. O formare in exces si/sau cumulare a keratinei este considerate cauza texturii abrasive a pielii. Pilar keratosis is a genetic disorder with skin hiperkeratinizarea. An excessive training and / or aggregation of Keratin is considered due to abrasive texture of the skin. La acesti pacienti procesul keratinizarii este deficitar. Keratinization process in these patients is poor. O teorie este cea conform careia celulele pielii in exces se aduna in jurul foliculilor de par. One theory is that according to which the excess skin cells gather around the hair follicles. Acesti bumbi foliculari sunt cauzati de parul care nu poate ajunge la suprafata si devine prizonier sub resturile de keratina. These are caused by follicular bumble hair that can reach the surface and becomes trapped under the debris of keratin. Frecvent pacientii dezvolta eritem usor in jurul foliculilor de par, indicind conditia inflamatorie. Frequently, patients develop mild erythema around the hair follicles, indicating the inflammatory condition. Se poate observa un fir de par subtire sub papula. It can be seen as a papule thin hair. Papulele sunt considerate a apare prin acumularea in exces a keratinei in foliculul de par. Papules are thought to occur through the accumulation of excess keratinei in the hair follicle.
Etiologia keratozei pilare nu este cunoscuta complet. Pilar keratosis etiology is not fully known. Dintre persoanele afectate 70% au predispozitie genetic. 70% of the people affected by genetic predisposition. Conditiile care determina piele uscata par a exacerba boala. Conditions that cause dry skin seem to exacerbate the disease. Simptomele tind in general sa se agraveze iarna si se amelioreaza vara. Symptoms generally tend to worsen in winter and improves in summer. Asocierile commune include un istoric familial de keratoza pilara, ihtioza sau dermatita atopica. Common associations include a family history of Pilar keratosis, ichthyosis or dermatitis, atopic.

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