Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pouches esophagus - Zenker diverticula

Pouches esophagus - Zenker diverticula

* Introduction
* Pathogenesis and causes
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Dilations of esophageal diverticula are circumscribed sacciforme the esophagus. When all layers are interested to realize a true diverticulum. When are interested only in mucosa and submucosa develops a pseudodiverticul.
Esophageal diverticula may be congenital or gain.
Zenker diverticula is located on the backside of pharyngo-esophageal junction and is characterized by protrusion of the mucosa between muscle fibers and constrictorul cricoesofagian lower pharynx. It frequently accompanies the gastro-esophageal reflux disease and esophageal motility disorders.
Clinical symptoms are installed in large and complicated cases diveticuli. In Zenker diverticula first symptom is dysphagia caused by esophageal compression applied by the diverticular pouch where they gathered food eaten. To this is added to food regurgitation stagnant nocturnal coughs with diverticular contents inhalation, hypersalivation and bitonal voice compression caused by the appellant. Esophageal diverticula medium parabronsici broad package because they are asymptomatic and do not retain food and secretions. Epifrenici esophageal diverticula are asymptomatic small and large ones produce dysphagia. Zenker diverticula occurs around the age of 50 years.
Asymptomatic diverticula do not require treatment. In patients with esophageal diverticula and dysphagia appeared epifrenici esophageal motility is the result of damage, so therapy should be directed on it. Thus achalasia can be treated with pneumatic dilation, botulinum toxin injection into the lower esophageal sphincter or esofagomiotomia Heller.
Zenker diverticulum is surgical treatment. Endoscopic treatment is preferred and consists ectomie by coagulation, diathermy or laser. Esophageal diverticula have a favorable prognosis.

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