Monday, January 24, 2011

Teniaza and cysticercosis

Teniaza and cysticercosis Teniaza is infection with larvae of the tapeworm, worm wide by eating pork, cysticercosis is an infection acquired by eating larvae of the tapeworm eggs in human and animal excrement. Adult forms of the worm can only mild gastrointestinal symptoms, or simply remove parts of the body in the chair. Cysticercosis symptoms are usually absent, and may occur if the larvae localize intracranial, forcing focar.Neurocisticercoza neurological signs can be recognized by computer tomograf.Mai than half of adult patients as intestinal tapeworm and eggs in the stool or proglotide . Adult worms can be eradicated with anthelmintics. Neurocisticercozei Treatment includes a combination of corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and antihelmintice.Chirurgia may be an option. Morbidity may result from syncope, stroke, hydrocephalus secondary sauefectele long-term treatment.

Causes and pathogenesis Teniaza is determined by four species of tapeworm T. saginata, T. solium, Diphylobotrium Hymenolepsis latum and nana. tapeworm transmission is achieved by eating raw beef or partially cooked, which contains the larval tapeworm cysts, or through fecal-oral transfer, by unwashed hands, the tapeworm eggs of animal feces or intestine umane.In cysts or eggs develop into adult worms reach lengths of up to 10 m.Carnea contains raw pork tapeworm larvae, cisticerci, which have penetrated the intestinal wall and migrated in pig muscle cysticercosis determine its ingestion, severe form of the parasite. D.latum transmitted by inadequately cooked meat over and H.nana by eating insects. Cisticercii humans can locate in all tissues: skin, muscle, heart, eyes, brain. Symptoms are caused by this inflammation pericystic, the host's inflammatory response depends on the ability to avoid cisticercilor immune system, inflammation is usually restricted to the degenerated cysts that fail to avoid immunity umana.Prin involution, cisticercii turn to calcify or granulomatous . Ingested eggs attach to the intestinal wall, and after three months napar adult worms, in which fragments become detached in the chair.
Signs and symptoms
Cysticercosis Cisticercii viable in most tissues do not cause inflammatory tissue reaction are dependent on the number of clinical asimptomatici.Manifestarile cisticerci and location. Involvement of brain parenchyma, ventricular cysts are su subarahnoid frecvente.Simptomele locations and signs include: Cris focal or generalized, chronic headache, nausea and vomiting, vision changes, mental status change, hyperreflexia, muscle pseudohipertrofie, nystagmus, shows the location meningism.Aceasta more negative prognosis, especially because of the risk of hydrocephalus, vasculitis and carebrale attacks. Eye cysts, found in the vitreous and retinal examination subretinali.Vizualizarea may be diagnostic. Micronoduli reveals subcutaneous cyst localizations. Musculoskeletal cysticercosis may be asymptomatic, but are visible pseudohipertrofii muscle. Effect on the heart can cause arrhythmias.
Intestinal Teniaza Teniaza is manifested by: -Fatigue, anorexia, weight loss -Irritability, itching, hives Epetit-or exaggerated, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Opersoana cows infected with the tapeworm out of tapeworm fragments spontaneously through the anus, with its noodle grade, pink and mobile.

Diagnosis The laboratory tests include: -CBC-eosinophilia -Serology-ELISA 95% sensitivity in detecting Ac antiAg teniaza Coproparasitologic-highlight-examination of eggs in stool Imaging tests-make-sure-computed tomography diagnosis of cerebral edema, focal areas, calcifications, cysts, areas hiperdense -Lumbar puncture for CSF examination: lymphocytosis, proteinorahie, low glucose Subcutaneous nodules, biopsy.

Treatment Prophylactic treatment includes hands hygiene, and food eaten raw: fruits, vegetables, washed and thermal proper preparation of meat. Medications include anthelmintics, agents that act by increasing cell wall permeability of the worm, Like loss of intracellular massive contraction and paralysis: praziquantel, albendazole. Corticosteroids are used to acaderea inflammation seen in cisticercii can not escape the human defense system: prednisone, dexamethasone. Neurocisticercozei Anticonvulsants are used in therapy to prevent Epileptic seizures: lorazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbital. Surgery may be necessary hydrocephalus by ventricular infection, spinal or eye. Intestinal infection is treated with praziquantel, which lead to the elimination through the anus adult worms.

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