Thursday, June 23, 2011


Omphalocele is a birth defect (which is present at birth) in which abdominal organs protrudes through the umbilical ring.Omphalocele from gastroschisis (which is a cleft in the abdominal wall paraombilical located) is covered by peritoneum a membrane that covers chances intestinal sac. Omphalocele may be small or large, when outside the body is and spleen, liver outside the intestine.
Omphalocele occurs every 5,000 births, and one is 10 wide. 000 births. Affect the fate and boys equally. Over two thirds of children with omphalocele presents abnormalities in other organs, most commonly the spleen, digestive tract, heart, urinary tract and nervous system. Children frequently associated with omphalocele and other complications such as impaired development of the lungs, digestive poor functional status, heart malformations, Beckwith-Wiedeman syndrome (condition characterized by macroglossia, hyperinsulinism and hypoglycemia) and chromosomal abnormalities.
Do not know the exact cause of omphalocele or if you can address to prevent prenatal therapy. Between week 16 and 18 of pregnancy intestines grow more rapidly than the abdominal cavity which can accommodate and still designs the umbilical ring. In week 11 of embryogenesis intestines should return into the abdominal cavity which is now quite large. If this fails return for various reasons still unknown, part of the abdominal organs will remain outside of the body resulting omphalocele.
Omphalocele is frequently detected during prenatal echography during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Once discovered and echocardiogram is performed to investigate the cardiac abnormalities that often accompany it.
Treatment will depend on numerous variables, especially the severity of the condition, the amount exteriorized organs, peritoneum that covers the status, infant age and overall health, drug tolerance and its preference for an animated treatment of parents.If a small omphalocele, will be immediately reinsertion surgery abdominal organs externalized and umbilical ring closure to prevent infection. For a large omphalocele surgery will be done in several stages. First reinternalizate organs are forced into the abdominal cavity during a few days. The child's abdomen approach because this technique is too small to contain all the organs once externalized, it never NON them. During this time the organs are protected by a silicone membrane that forces them and re-entry into the abdominal cavity step by step, by reducing its diameter.
If the omphalocele is the only issue of the newborn, the total recovery is 90-100%. However if they are associated with other birth defects, the prognosis depends on the severity of these pathological conditions.

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