Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cleft palate, cleft lip and cheilo-palato-schizis - Signs and symptoms

Most cleft palate are discovered at birth and occurs frequently in breast feeding difficulties of. Act may be compromised by the loss of sucking oral tightness of the nipple. If cleft palate is associated with hypoplasia can cause shortness of breath manidibulara because language prolapseaza by opening the posterior nasal cavity and oropharynx.
Mend partial or submucosa of the soft palate may be undiagnosed because they are asymptomatic. Initial manifestations consist of nasal reflux of liquids and solids. Later as they develop spoken language is manifested by nasal voice or nasal reflux of food.
In addition to the physical characteristics common to the cleft, children may have frequent upper respiratory infections: colds, sinusitis, ear infections, adenoid. Dental development is also affected. Teeth may be missing, supernumerary or bad can be replaced. These abnormalities may affect the act of chewing and facial appearance of the child.Patients with cleft associated otitis media and middle ear effusions air leakage.
Mend lip may occur as microforms, incomplete or complete. Mend microforms are characterized by a vertical groove and a notch with varying degrees of shortening purple lips. Incomplete unilateral lip is manifested by varying degrees of notching the lip associated with nasal septum intact or Simonart band (band of fibrous tissue at the end of the nasal floor until the red lip). Complete mend cestarea is characterized by lip, nasal septum and dental alveoli.
Mend bilateral cleft lips are always associated with the palace.Mend unilateral cleft lip palate are associated with in 68% of cases. Nasal regurgitation during suckling may indicate a cleft lip associated with one of the palace. All children with cleft lip should be examined fully and carefully for defects in the craniofacial and neck. The presence of a uvula bifida, a central translucent areas in the soft palate and posterior border of the notch detectable cleft hard palate submucosa indicate the palace.

Classification of cleft lip and palate of
Davis and Ritchie Classification:Group I previously cleft alveoli (cleft lip unilateral or bilateral median)Group II postalveolare clefts (cleft of the hard palate, cleft of the soft palate, cleft of hard and soft palate, submucous cleft).
Veau Classification:Group I (A), only the soft palate defectsGroup II (B), defects of the soft palate and hardGroup III (C)-defects of the soft palate and the alveoli, which involves lipGroup IV (D) complete bilateral cleft-.
Classification Kernahan and Stark points to the importance of anatomical and embryonic formation incisive foramen during week 4-7 of pregnancy. Palace forms the ceiling of the oral cavity side of incisive foramen until the uvula In the weeks 7-12 of pregnancy.
Imaging studies.Ultrasound can detect some craniofacial defects if they change the appearance of fetal face. Some defects can be seen even from week 14-16 of pregnancy.

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