Acute gastritis
* Introduction
* Causes and Risk Factors
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Acute gastritis is a term that covers a spectrum of entities that induce inflammatory changes in gastric mucosa. Different etiologies gastric share similar clinical presentations. However they differ in the unique histopathologic features. Inflammation may include full-pangastrita stomach or the stomach and gastric antral region. Acute gastritis can be divided into two categories: erosive (superficial erosions, deep erosions, hemorrhagic erosions) and noneroziva (generally caused by Helicobacter pylori).
There is no correlation between microscopic inflammation (histologic gastritis) and the presence of gastritis symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting). In fact, most patients with histological evidence of acute gastritis are asymptomatic. Diagnozticul is usually obtained by endoscopy performed for other reasons. Acute gastritis may present a variety of symptoms, the most common being epigastric discomfort.
Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, flatulence. Occasionally acute abdominal pain can be a symptom of presentation. Appears in phlegmon gastritis (stomach gangrene) in which severe abdominal pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting with stomach content may be purulent clinical picture. You might have fever, chills and your hiccups.
Mortality and morbidity is dependent on the etiology of gastritis. In general, most cases are treatable once etiology is deteerminata. Gastritis phlegmon is except that it has a mortality of 65%, even with treatment.
Pathogenesis of acute gastritis
Is the common mechanism of infringement of the imbalance between the aggressive and protective factors that maintain the integrity of gastric mucosa. Acute erosive gastritis may result from exposure to a variety of agents and factors.
Chemical gastritis. This refers to reactive gastritis. These agents include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, cocaine, stress, radiation, bile reflux and ischemia. Gastric mucosa shows hemorrhages, erosions and ulcers. Gastritis occurs at therapeutic or subtherapeutic doses of these drugs. Due to the severity of agencies in the greater curvature of the stomach backs up, explaining the development of acute gastritis or near the distal greater curvature in the case of oral administration of NSAIDs. Major mechanism of injury is reduced synthesis of prostaglandin which is responsible for maintaining the action of acid gastric mucosal protection.
Bacterial infection is a cause of gastritis. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause for gastritis. Complications resulting from chronic infection differs from the acute. The prevalence of infection in healthy individuals varies depending on age, socioeconomic status and country of origin. This infection is usually gained in childhood. The route of transmission of the bacteria is not yet clear. It seems that there is a component from person to person through fecal-oral route or through ingestion of infected water or food. Helicobacter pylori is associated with 60% of gastric ulcers and 90% of duodenal ulcers.
Phlegmon gastritis. It is a rare form of gastritis caused by bacterial agents, including streptococci, stafilococci, Proteus species, Escherichia coli and Clostridium species. It usually occurs in people debility. It is associated with recent consumption of large quantities of alcohol, a concomitant respiratory infection and AIDS. Is an extensive phlegmon seeking the spread of inflammation with or without tissue damage. In the stomach infection involves deeper layers of the stomach-submucosa and muscle. The result is purulent bacterial infection leading to gangrene.
Viral gastritis. Viral infections can cause gastritis. Citomegalus virus is a common viral cause of gastritis. They usually discover individuals who are immunosuppressed, those with cancer, immunosuppression, transplant and AIDS. Gastric involvement may be localized or diffuse.
Fungal gastritis. Fungi that can cause stomach infections are Candida albicans and histoplasmosis. Ficomicoza stomach is a rare and fatal fungal infection of the stomach. Common predisposing factor is immunosuppression. Prezeantarea clinic is bleeding from stomach ulcers or erosion with giant gastric folds.
Parasitic gastritis. Parasitic infections are a rare cause of gastritis. Anisakidoza is caused by a nematode that enters the large curvature of the gastric mucosa. Be acquired by eating contaminated fruit or over sea. It causes severe abdominal pain that decreases in a few days. Mpliurilor edema associated with gastric erosions and ulcers.
Gastritis hemorrhagic colitis. It is seen in patients who are seriously ill. It is considered to be secondary ischemia in hypotension or shock or release of vasoconstrictor substances. Gastric mucosa showed numerous petechiae in the gastric fundus and body, or a diffuse hemorrhagic pattern.
Eosinophilic gastritis. It is frequently observed in combination with eosinophilic gastroenteritis but may be associated with many diseases, including food allergy (cow's milk, soy), collagen vascular disease, parasitic infections, gastric cancer, lymphoma, Crohn's disease, vasculitis, drug allergy and infection Helicobacter pylori. Note the eosinophilic infiltration in the gastric wall.
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