Alopecia mucinosaMucinosa alopecia or follicular mucinosis is a dermatological eruption consisting of follicular papules and / or indurated plates that show distinct histological changes in hair follicles leading to hair loss. The accumulation of mucinous material in altered hair follicles and sebaceous glands creates an inflammatory condition secondary to degenerative processes. Face, neck and scalp are the most affected, although lesions can occur anywhere on the body.
Mortality is related to the coexistence of fungal mycosis in mucinosa secondary alopecia. 15-40% of patients with alopecia mucinosa will develop lymphoma. Malignant potential for alopecia mucinosa can not be quantified due to its enigmatic nature and other abnormal skin cells mucinous alopecia T. Morbidity is generally limited to cosmetics.
There is no therapy for this condition although some strategies are used. These include intralesional corticosteroids, topical and systemic. You can also choose to psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy, and radiotherapy, with varying degrees of success. Prognosis depends on clinical variables. Primary acute illness usually disappears in two years. Chronic primary disease progresses for a few years and can vary over time damage the skin. Alopecia secondary mucinosa has a poor prognosis when associated with malignancy.
Pathogenesis and causes
Mucinosa Alopecia is a process defined histologically by mucin storage in hair follicles and sebaceous glands, follicular degeneration forcing. Exact pathogenesis is unknown, although it circulated role of T cell immunity and circulating immune complexes. The three clinical variants of the disease consist of primary acute disease of young, the elderly and primary chronic disease secondary damage associated with benign or malignant disease.
Damage to young primary skin lesions consist of focal progression limited. Lesions are typically limited to the head, neck and shoulders. Most lesions resolve spontaneously between 2 months and 2 years. Pediatric cases include most cases the mucinous alopecia, patients remain having less than 40 years.Alopecia mucinosa primary chronic affects individuals older people over 40 years. The lesions are extensive and persist or recur indefinitely. There are no associated disorders.Alopecia secondary mucinosa may be associated with benign or malignant disease. These patients are usually 40-70 years, and the lesions are widespread and numerous. Alopecia may occur secondary mucinosa including the benign inflammatory diseases: lupus erythematosus, lichen simplex chronicus, angiolimfoida hyperplasia. Alopecia secondary mucinosa is observed with malignant diseases including micozis fungoides, Kaposi's sarcoma, Hodgkin's disease.In most patients who develop alopecia and micosis mucinosa fungoides, these conditions seem to develop simultaneously.
Signs and symptoms
The three variants of alopecia mucinosa are divided by age. Localized primary disease affects patients under 40 years and especially the pediatric population. Primary generalized disease affects people over 40 years. Secondary disease associated with malignant or benign affects people in fifth and eighth decades of life.Sign mucinous alopecia is hair loss in hairy areas of the body. Skin eruptions present as itchy papules and plates, pink-yellow-white. Can be isolated or multiple lesions. Micosis fungoides is recognized at the time of diagnosis in approximately 15-30% of people with alopecia mucinosa.
Physical examination.Clinical manifestations of mucinous alopecia are grouped follicular papules and alopecia. Nodules, plaques and follicular papules spots may be present. The face and scalp are the most common areas involved. Occasionally mucinous material can be expresionat of active lesions, and erythema and scales are present. Alopecia, which is developing the zones is necicatriciala hair.Alopecia is usually reversible if the mucin follicular destruction occurred in excess. In patients with permanent alopecia whole follicle degenerates and becomes blocked with cystic cavity debriuri keratinogene. When stopper keratinogen persist are obvious elements of alopecia cured plates.
Histological examination.Elements are characteristic of mucinous degeneration of follicular alopecia with mucin accumulation in the follicles. Recent lesions contain abundant mucin. They see a mixed interstitial inflammatory infiltrates, perivascular and periapendicial. In patients with chronic form Histologic analysis demonstrates this with viable follicles destroyed or variable.The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, telogen effluvium.
There is no special care for this routine conditieTratamentele include intralesional corticosteroids, topical and systemic. One can opt for dynamic phototherapy with psoralen and ultraviolet A radiation and with variable success. Isolated cases have been documented to improve with dapsone, indomethacin and interferon. Due to the variable spontaneous remission of the disease and effective therapeutic regimes is difficult to estimate.
The prognosis depends on clinical variables mucinous alopecia. Primary acute illness usually disappears in two years, however, pediatric alopecia is not always self-limiting and can lead to Hodgkin's disease. Chronic primary disease progresses for a few years. Alopecia secondary mucinosa prognosis is most damaging when it is associated with malignancies.
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