Thursday, January 20, 2011



* Introduction
* Signs and symptoms
* Treatment
Cholera is a severe infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, and causes diaree.Bacteria normally lives in aquatic environments, people become infected by drinking contaminated water or food contaminated seafood. Once infected, it is eliminated through the stool, so the infection is spreading rapidly, especially in areas nedezinfectate and poor hygiene. Because infection is needed to develop bacterial ingestion of large doses, because most are resistant to acudul gastric.Cele Niu reaching the intestine, colonize mucosa and releases a toxin that causes diarrhea, watery secretion. Is a dangerous condition caused by severe dehydration leading to cardiovascular shock and death. Because the bacteria are destroyed by stomach acid, aclorhidrie people, or those that secrete small quantities, such as children, elderly and those with medication entiacida are more prone to infection. Symptoms begins 3-6 days after ingestion, usually without abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and varsaturi.Febra is absent in most cases. In people who survive, symptoms resolve in 3-6 zile.Majoritatea patients shed the organism in two weeks, though it remains in some people without causing symptoms, they are called carriers. Diagnosis is made in this set off by bacteria from stool cultures. Prevention consists of water purification by chlorination, avoid uncooked food consumption and water fioerberea. Treatment consists of rapid rebalancing of fluid and electrolyte loss. Antibiotics are recommended to stop the diarrhea: tetracycline, doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin.
Pathogenesis V. cholerae is a curved bacillus, gram-negative cell by single flagellum. The mechanism of infection of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae is, after ingestion by germs adhere to the intestinal mucosa special adhesion structures, pili, and releases one or more cholera toxine.Toxina binds to a specific receptor on the lining and increases the concentration of AMPc that also result in disruption of water and electrolyte transport. The mode of transmission include direct contact with the patient, and objects contaminated by dirty hands, by consuming contaminated water or food: fish, seafood, and the passive transport: flies. Recevitatea is general and high infectivity index.
Risk Factors The following risk factors favor the development of infection in the form of epidemic, pandemic or endemic: -Environmental: hyperthermia, high humidity, natural disasters: floods Social-economic: poor hygiene -Bio: breeding flies -Own: malnutrition, or hypochlorhydria aclorhidria A blood-grupulde Low-immunity, the presence of Ac anticholerici in endemic areas -Asymptomatic carriers.

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