Thursday, January 20, 2011

Abdominal wall hernias

Abdominal wall hernias

* Introduction
* Types of Hernia
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis and complications
* Treatment
Abdominal wall hernias are the most common diseases that require surgery. Abdominal hernias represent partial or total externalization of one or more viscera, the peritoneal cavity, the weak areas of the abdominal wall. There are other similar clinical conditions but should be differentiated hernia from the beginning. They are: - Eventrations, evisceratii, exteriorization of the viscera occurs in the parietal areas appeared weak after surgery or traumatic wounds; - Internal hernias, where the viscera are not outwardly, they enter the space from how anatomical disposition of organs: fissures peritoneal hiatusuri, rings; - Diaphragmatic hernia, the abdominal organs enter the chest; - Peritoneal hernias, which are extremely rare. Hernias can be congenital or acquired. Congenital hernias occur because of incomplete development of the abdominal wall is due to this channel through which unused-vaginal peritoneo outwardly abdominal viscera. Acquired hernias are the result of interaction of two forces, on the one hand strength determined by the quality of abdominal wall structures and inner pressure on it. Shows the so-called abdominal wall weakness (hernia regions) to which you can add other factors such as discolagenoze, ascites, obesity, favoring the appearance of hernias. Areas hernia are: inguinal region, umbilicus, linea alba, diaphragm, Spieghel's semilunar line. Repeated efforts or the efforts of small and large, and suddenly made are other factors that predispose to the appearance of hernia due to pressure from inside the abdominal wall. Clinical signs are subjective hernia are nonspecific symptoms as pain that dominates the picture, but it appears different from one patient to another. This may occur as a sensation of weight, traction in large hernias and a vivid sensation of pain, burning in small hernias. On examination objective tumor hernia appears as a hernia in the regions. To diagnose a herniated two characteristics are of major importance: the tendency reducible hernia and expansion effort. Left untreated, hernias increase in size and become irreducible. The main complications of hernias are: incarceration of hernia (when the hernial sac vasculature is preserved) and strangulation hernia (vasculature is affected and can lead to necrosis). When these complications occur the patient's health worsens and treatment should be instituted promptly. Treatment is exclusively surgical hernias (except those who have contraindications for surgery and conservative orthopedic treatment benefits through bandages or straps to reduce hernia). Surgical treatment consists of the hernia sac isolation, purification and its content primarily abdominal wall restoration. Lately prostheses for restoration of the parietal wall using polyester or polypropylene.
Congenital hernias are apparent at birth or later can be seen, and are produced either by incomplete development of the abdominal wall or the existence peritoneo-vaginal canal, if unused, which outwardly viscera. Acquired hernia is the result of interaction of the two categories of forces: resistance abdominal wall caused by the make-up as the quality of its structures and its pressure on the inner-loaded gradient represented by the abdominal viscera. Abdominal wall resistance is influenced by specific local factors such as regions hernia and general factors such as consumptive disease that affects trophicity abdominal wall, ascites of different origins, hypothyroidism, obesity and discolagenozele the connective tissue is of inferior quality. Sex is also important, with anatomical features specific to women (basin transverse diameter increased) explain the increased frequency of femoral hernia them. -Loaded element is represented either by small efforts, repeated as necessary but tusitorilor chronic constipation, or brutally hard work done.

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