Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dilacerarea brain

Dilacerarea brain Dilacerarea traumatic brain injury is a destructive nature and involves a lack of continuity of the cerebral parenchyma. Dilacerarea brain comes in two aspects: - Dilacerarea straightforward: the birth of acceleration mechanisms and form the cranio-cerebral wounds open or closed. It can be caused by penetration of the skull of a foreign body or projectile weapon like white, this complex intracranial lesions causing necrosis, edema, bruising. Another way is by producing bone sliding aside damaging nerve tissue. - Dilacerarea deceleration occurs via indirect. Frequently found in violent car accidents with frontal impact. When head motion is stopped by contact with a solid, linear movement continues his brain inside the skull, hitting the interior walls of the box. The injuries are more serious in the earlier stage of the skull base. Dilacerarea is accompanied by other traumatic injuries: cerebral contusion, cerebral edema, subdural hematoma, hematoma intraparenchimatos.
Clinical manifestations are found in this case are represented by alterations in consciousness which is manifested by confusion with psychomotor agitation or a feeling of drowsiness that can go up to install state of coma. Neurological signs of brain area localization dilacerate correspond, meet as hemiparesis, hemiplegii, aphasia, pupillary changes. If you are interested in the cerebrospinal fluid drainage pathways of clinical signs of intracranial hypertension: headache, vomiting, dizziness, balance disorders, changes in the fundus.
Evolution and prognosis Because it is interested in brain parenchyma, the prognosis is reserved, and the evolution of consciousness depends on the patient, associated injuries and age.

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