Friday, January 21, 2011

Hepatic portal thrombosis

Hepatic portal thrombosis

* Introduction
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Portal vein thrombosis hepatic vein obstruction is thrombus printrun. Because the portal vein is blocked venous pressure will increase. Cause portal hypertension splenomegaly, esophageal and gastric varices, ascites and hepatomegaly with congestion. About 25% of adults with cirrhosis have portal vein thrombosis especially because slowing blood flow. Portal thrombosis can be caused by any pathological condition that causes abnormal blood clotting. Newborn infection presents as a common cause of umbilical cord-appendicitis older children, adults, myeloproliferative diseases, cancer of the pancreas, kidney, liver or adrenal, states of polycythemia, surgery and pregnancy. Often found several pathological conditions conspire forcing vein thrombosis. The cause is unknown in almost one third of patients. Most people have no symptoms. In some clinical picture may occur gradually due to portal hypertension especially. If they develop gastro-esophageal varices may break forcing severe bleeding, haematemesis and melena. Oalta vascular complication of portal hypertension is the development of gastric venous collaterals. Diagnosis is suspected in front of a case history that includes a history of gastrointestinal bleeding, splenomegaly and pathological conditions that predispose to thrombosis portal. Doppler ultrasound diagnosis was confirmed by emphasizing low blood flow that circulates through the portal vein or its absence. Treatment includes anticoagulants, anti-fibrinolytics. If the cause is an infection in the body will be treated specifically. Esophageal varices has a wide range of therapies, as well as medical atiit surgery. Mortality is dependent on the underlying disease that caused the thrombosis.
Portal vein is formed by uniting behind the neck, pancreas with the splenic superior mesenteric vein. It receives blood from the cystic vein, pyloric, accessory pancreatic, superior Pancreaticoduodenectomy and other small veins. In general, the portal vein enter the portal hepatis and divides into right and left ram. Ram ram as it divides into anterior and posterior segments draining the anterior and posterior right hepatic lobe. The development of periportal collateral evolution occurs along with chronic thrombosis and body attempt to divert blood pressure in other ways the heart. Near the portal vein will develop networks that will take venous blood finally blocked. Cavernous transformation of portal vein can occur as a subhepatic sponge-like mass. Vricele bile ducts, called pseudocolangiocarcinom are occasionally observed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with portal hypertension. Portal thrombosis occurs after an infectious condition, surgery or cancer (pancreas, liver) or liver dysfunction as a result. Piogenica cholangitis is a cause of portal thrombosis as well.
Causes and Risk Factors
Diseases associated with portal vein thrombosis include: Heart-failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome -Constrictive pericarditis, cirrhosis , Liver cancer, pancreatic, gastric, colangiocarcinomul, adrenal cancer -Hepatic abscess, pancreatitis, infection of the umbilical cord -Pregnancy and preeclampsia, trauma portal vein -Myeloproliferative disorders, thrombotic diatheses -Severe dehydration, use of contraceptives. In over 50% of cases no cause can be identified. Portal vein thrombosis affects mainly children but can occur in people of any age. In adults, cancer is a common cause of thrombosis.

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