Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hydatid cyst (Hidatoza)

Hydatid cyst (Hidatoza)

* Introduction
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Hidatoza is caused by a parasite worm larvae or multilocularis.Boala Echinococcus granulosus is common in sheep breeders, dog parasite needs as the final host, herbivore horse, sheep, deer or human hosts as intermediate host. Although most infestations occur in childhood, symptoms occur only after several years, except for cysts located in vital organs. Clinical manifestations may be similar to those of a tumor occupying the space. Liver, abdominal pain and can produce a mass tumorala.Icterul feel is a common sign in if biliare.Ruptura paths are blocked bile ducts, lung or abdominal cavity cause fever, hives or anaphylactic reaction. Pulmonary cysts are usually discovered incidentally on a routine scan. They can break and cause coughing, chest pain and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is difficult, multiple cysts are difficult to distinguish from the benign, abscesses or tumors maligne.Prezenta the feeding larval hydatid sand is pathognomonic. Medications used albenzandol, the final cure rate of 40% in small cysts, and useful in cases inoperable, or metastatic. Another technique is percutaneous aspiration of cyst contents and instillation of hypertonic saline. Mortality is secondary to free rupture of the cyst complications, biliary obstruction, infection or organ dysfunction affected.

Pathogenesis and causes Eggs ingested from animal feces, their fur, cling to the intestinal wall, penetrate it, migraza the bloodstream and is determined in the liver or lungs, or more rarely in the brain, bones or other organe.E. granulosus is the stage larva metamorphoses into the adult during several years, large cyst meet unique, fluid-filled small parazitar.Capsule protoscolecx and over 1 liter of fluid is contained within a single hydatid daughter is chist.Chisti may develop intra or extra fomatiunii primare.Daca cyst rupture, disseminate protoscolecx capsules whole peritoneum. E. multilocularis produces plastic foam locally invasive and difficult or impossible to treat chirurgical.Chistii found mainly in the liver but can metastasize to the lungs, ganglonar or other tissues.

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