Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Primitive peritoneal cancer

Primitive peritoneal cancer

* Introduction
* Causes and Risk Factors
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Peritoneum is a serous membrane composed of mesothelial cells, vascular and lymphatic capillaries receiving the abdominal organs and abdominal wall. Mesothelial also cover forming organs and thoracic pleura and pericardium forming heart. It consists of two layers: one internal and one external cover internal organs which separate them from the body wall. Mesothelial covers male and female organs. Peritoneal cancer peritoneal tissues may be originating from the receiving or may be due to peritoneal metastases from different organs with-secondary malignancies. Some peritoneal cancers have been described, which originates from the peritoneum. Ovarian cancer in women is considered to originate from peritoneal cancer cells. Other primitive peritoneal cancers include: malignant mesothelioma, benign papillary mesothelioma tumors desmoplastic small round cell, peritoneal angiosarcoma, leiomiomatoza hemangiomatoza peritoneal and peritoneal disseminated.
All primitive peritoneal cancers are rare. However, the incidence appears to be increasing. Exposure to asbestos is a major risk factor.
Mesothelioma is the most common type of primitive peritoneal cancer. It is an aggressive form of cancer, peritoneal mesothelial cells become abnormal and divide uncontrollably. They can invade and destroy nearby tissues and organs. Mesothelioma is 3% of cancers found in the world. All forms of peritoneal cancer without benign mesothelioma are invariably fatal. The prognosis is generally unfavorable, the average survival was 1 year. However, the prognosis depends on the stage the cancer is discovered and applied therapy.
Peritoneal cancer is caused by exposure to aspest. Asbestos is a fibrous substance used in the twentieth Century in many industries. It was very popular because of its durability, fire-resistant, and insulating. Asbestos has ceased to be used after the discovery of carcinogenic properties in 1970. It is believed that about 80-90% of mesothelioma are caused by exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose because they remain dormant in the body for over 5 decades and is diagnosed only in advanced stages. Most encountered symptoms include weight loss, abdominal pain, bloating and intestinal obstruction. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body other symptoms include difficulty swallowing, dysphagia, facial or neck swelling, clotting disorders, anemia and fever.
Treatment of mesothelioma can be divided into two main categories: curative and palliative care. Curative therapy is trying to cure disease. Palliative therapy can only amelioreza patient's symptoms. Treatment for mesothelioma include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Other therapies are still under study gene therapy and immunotherapy.
Primitive peritoneal cancers include: malignant mesothelioma, mezeteliomul cystic carcinoma primary peritoneal, round cell desmoplastic tumor, benign papillary mesothelioma, peritoneal leiomiomatoza, peritoneal and hemongiomatoza peritoneal angiosarcoma.
Malignant mesothelioma. It is a type of peritoneal rare but very aggressive neoplasm. Although most mezotelioamelor involves pleura, 20-30% originates from the peritoneum and are associated with exposure to asbestos and abdominal radiation therapy.
Mezotelioamele consist of strips of connective tissue covered by cells. These cells grow in multiple layers and determine the papillary or tubular formations. Histologically malignant mesothelioma is divided into the type of epithelial, sarcomatoid and mixed. Clinical manifestations involve abdominal pain, abdominal or pelvic mass with ascites, and thrombocytosis. Rarely the tumor may spread into the pleural space. The three main histological types are epithelioid, sarcomatoid and biphasic. Patients with epithelioid mezeteliom-55-65% shows a higher survival rate. Pathological type is similar to epithelioid adenocarcinoma. Print immunohistochemical and enzyme are needed to differentiate the two types. Sarcomatoid mesothelioma 10 to 15% dex-
Cystic mesothelioma. It is a rare tumor with predilection for the pelvis. Typically these lesions consist of multiple islands separated by fibrous tissue cystic mesothelioma. It is common in young women and is manifested by abdominal pain, tenderness or swelling.
Primary peritoneal carcinoma. Originates from peritoneal cells. Peritoneal mesothelial and germinal epithelium of the ovary from the same embryological origin and therefore possess peritoneal carcinoma development of a primitive. The tumor mainly affecting postmenopausal women with multicentric involvement peritoneal and omentum. The papillary serous ovarian tumor resembles. It is different in that it involves the extraovarian peritoneum predominant and minimal or no ovarian surface.
Desmoplastic round cell tumor. This tumor is very aggressive. It involves the peritoneal cavity in most cases. Unlike other primitive tumors desmoplastic peritoneal cancers commonly affect young people. Neoplasms is expanding rapidly and invade the peritoneal surface of marrow metastases in lung, liver and lymph nodes. Histologically the tumor is a strong celularizata formed small round cells arranged in islands or single.
Other neoplasms. In addition to the above described tumors may also develop a series of neoplasms of mesenchymal and lymphatic tissue of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. These include various forms of sarcomas, histiocitoame, gastrointestinal stromal tumors and lymphoproliferative malignancies.

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