Friday, January 7, 2011

Pilonidal disease

What is Pilonidal disease?
Pilonidal disease is a chronic skin infection sacrococcigeana region. It develops as a cyst, pilonidal cyst on the sacrum at the base line interfesiere. It appears initially that one or more small sinuses that can come out hairs. Pilonidal cyst is painful, making walking painful sitting position and adoption. Frequently infected, eliminating pus and blood.
Pilonidal cyst is often encountered in young people between the ages of 15 and 35 years after puberty when sex hormones affect the glands pilosebacee and modify the normal development of body hair. Development of pilonidal disease is rare after 40 years. It is common in obese people.
Pilonidal disease incidence rate is 0. 7%. Men are affected four times more often than women. Onset occurs at younger ages in women due to puberty earlier installation. Incidence is also affected by hair characteristics such as their growth rate, thickness, roughness. White persons are affected more often than those belonging to African or Asian race. Associated risk factors are prolonged in seated, excessive sweating, poor hygiene, friction at this level, obesity and trauma.
Symptoms and signs vary from simple holes in the skin up to a large mass, painful. Common area will drain fluid that may be clear layout, bleeding or pus. The infection affected area becomes red, sensitive, and foul-smelling pus removed. The infection can cause fever and installation, grata and general malaise.
Treatment depends on the clinical disease. An acute abscess treated by incision and drainage to release the pus and reduce swelling and pain. A pilonidal sinus excision will require chronic or open surgery. Recurrent disease should be treated surgically. Procedures vary from opening until sinus excision and possible closure by flaps. Operations require extended periods of recovery. If the wound is left open will require compresses and bandages to keep it clean. Although you several weeks during healing, the success rate is higher for open wounds.
After the onset of puberty, sex hormones affect pilosebacee glands and hair follicles become secondary distensionati with keratin. As a result of folliculitis develops that causes swelling and follicular occlusion. Infected follicles extend into the subcutaneous tissue and break forcing pilonidal abscess. The result is a sinus paths leading deep into the subcutaneous space.
In 90% of cases of sinus tract is centripetal direction corresponding with the direction of hair growth. Follicle is usually involved at 5-8 cm from the anus. In rare cases the sinus is located caudal and is found at 4-5 cm from the anus. Lateral sinus is created when communicating pilonidal abscess spontaneously drains to the skin surface. Santa primitive sinus tract is a tube epithelizant buttocks. A sinus tract becomes grainy side that opens. Hairs pilonidal sinus involved are attracted by movement and friction buttocks every time or go sit down.
Medical physical examination shows a bunch of hair that rises from the buttocks region. The hair that is sequestered type determines the installation of a foreign body reaction and infection. Rare foreign bodies other than human hair can cause this disease. Were reported kidnapped in the hair not from the host and bird feathers were feather out of a blanket.
Pilonidal sinus can occur in many parts of the body but most commonly is found in the region sacrococcigeana at the top of the line interfesiere at 5 cm from the anus.
Predisposing factors for the onset of pilonidal disease: Pubertal-age-sex hormone involvement -Male sex, poor hygiene Excessive-sweating, acne -Obese people, the trauma region Adoption-friction and prolonged sitting position.

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