Monday, January 10, 2011

Pyoderma vegetant

Pyoderma vegetant Vegetant pyoderma is a disorder characterized by the appearance of plaques and warty supradenivelate edged higher multiple pustules. It is a pustular eruption with multiple ulcers. It can have a similar bacterial etiology sancriforme pyoderma. Vegetal pyoderma associated with ulcerative colitis, diffuse T cell lymphoma, alcoholism, malnutrition, HIV infection, chronic myeloid leukemia and lupus nephritis. . There is no standard treatment for this disease. Antibiotic treatment is used with variable results. The prognosis is good therapy.
Pathogenesis and causes
Vegetant piodermitei etiology is unknown, although it is frequently associated with staphylococcal and streptococcal infections in a patient with immunosuppressed status or immune system dysfunction. Immune dysfunction is considered to induce the development of vegetation. In addition, bacterial infections, fungal infections are also those involved in the context of immunosuppression. Diffuse T-cell lymphoma, ulcerative colitis, HIV infection is associated with this condition.
Signs and symptoms
Clinical examination showed multiple boards pustules that burst and Lara ulcers. Warty plates supradenivelate shows edges. Pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus wound cultures grow. Direct and indirect immunofluorescence help differentiate pemphigus piodermitei the plant. Histological examination showed hyperplasia pseudocarcinomatoasa and numerous abscesses in the dermis and epidermal hyperplasia. Abscesses may consist of neutrophils and eosinophils. Differential diagnosis will be made to the following conditions: halogenoderma, keratoacanthoma, marine mycobacterial skin infections, pyoderma gangrenosum, squamous cell carcinoma.
There is no single therapeutic regimen for this condition. Antibiotic therapies have been tried with variable results. Topical wound care with sulphate of copper or aluminum subacetat compresses and antibiotic shows some beneficial results. Application of zinc oxide with intralesional injection of corticosteroids also shows good results. Application of topical disodium cromoglicat induce wound healing. Surgical therapy is necessary for laser debrida wound or abortion. Antibiotic therapy prognosis is good, without taking into account the evolution of individual underlying disease such as HIV-associated, ulcerative colitis, lymphoma, T cell leukemia.

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