Wednesday, January 19, 2011



* Introduction
* Pathogenesis
* Symptoms and Diagnosis
* Treatment
Rozacea is a frequent pathological condition characterized by symptoms of flushing and a spectrum of clinical signs, including teleangiectaziile, facial swelling and a rash similar to acne papulopustuloasa. A committee of experts reuhnit by the National Society of rosacea has defined and classified expilcit rozacea in April 2002 in four different subtypes based on clinical signs and symptoms. This definition was an important step in the treatment of rosacea. Today, doctors try to treat the signs and symptoms targeted because they are not understood in detail and its pathology. Therefore, this classification helps doctors in treatment by observing the prevalence of one or more signs of submission.
Rosacea is a clinical diagnosis. Skin biopsy may be necessary to exclude other conditions that mimic the clinical presentation of rosacea. It will exclude polycythemia vera, dermatomyositis, lupus erythematosus, connective tissue disease, photosensitivity, carcinoid syndrome, mastocytosis, long-term applications of corticosteroids, contact dermatitis.
Rosacea is defined by persistent erythema of the central portion of the face lasting for at least 3 months. Added criteria include episodes of flushing, pustules, papules and teleangietazii convex surfaces. Secondary characteristics are burning and stinging, edema, plaques, dry appearance, ocular manifestations and changes fimatoase.
Before starting therapy contributory factors should be identified and removed. They can be unique for each patient. Most common are heat or cold, wind, hot drinks, caffeine, exercise, spicy foods, alcohol, emotions, topical products that irritate the skin and reduce the role of barrier or drugs that cause flushing. Rosacea fulminans is treated with regular doses of oral prednisolone and isotretinoin. It is recommended to use sunscreen daily. Avoid astringentele, menthol, Tonics, waterproof cosmetics.
Nonablativ laser is effective for rosacea by tissue remodeling and improve epidermal barrier. Vascular laser therapy is the basis for rosacea. Surgical therapy can treat teleangiectaziile by electrosurgery. In most patients who receive treatment to achieve a stable status of residual disease with symptoms variable symptom. The disease has an episodic or progressive evolution for some patients.

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