Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Erythroderma - exfoliative dermatitis Treatment

Erythroderma - exfoliative dermatitis

Patients requiring hospitalization, electrolyte rebalancing, and protective laboratory studies to prevent bacterial and fungal infection. It will keep the topic of hydration, to protect the patient will not develop hypothermia, indicating a high protein diet with additional folic acid, if protein loss is over 30%.
Erythroderma is resistant disease if not treated by the Fund. Frequent baths and emollients are indicated for symptomatic relief. Apply wet compresses with triamcinolone. It establishes systemic antibiotic therapy if signs of secondary infection. Antihistamines help reduce itching and allow for adequate sedation.


Prognosis depends on the etiology of substance. Disease progression is rapid if a drug allergy, lymphoma, leukemia, contact allergens or scalding skin syndrome. The disease is extended if it is determined by a worsening of the condition of the fund. The average duration is 5 years with a median of 10 months. Mortality reaches 20-40%.

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