Friday, February 11, 2011

Adenoid chronic - adenoids (adenoids)

Adenoid chronic - adenoids (adenoids)
Adenoid chronic sub-class is emerging in adenoid adenoids (nasal polyps). This is a favored chronic hypertrophy of lymphatic constitution.
It can recover after surgical ablation.
Characteristic of the disease are: - Mouth breathing type breathing that results in time to an ogival palate and noisy breathing (snoring) - Persistent rhinitis; - Infections of the neighborhood; - Voice nazonata night accompanied by cough, throat irritation and painful because of the air inspired larynx that oral; - Decreased taste and smell acuity (patient loses taste and smell). Hearing impairment is manifested by hearing loss.
Positive diagnosis:
Chronic form of the disease is diagnosed by digital palpation and by rinoscopie back, emphasizing dimensions adenoidian tissue. It is thus possible to exclude a foreign body in the nasal passages, which could be the causative agent of nasal obstruction.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS be done with tissue hipertrifia adenoidian of hypersensitivity to cow's milk, pronounced obesity, macroglossia, Pierre Robin malformation (implanted below the language), cavum tumor.
Treatment of chronic adenoidiene hypertrophy (adenoids) is tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgery consisting of (tonsillectomy).
Adenoidectomiei indications are. - Voice nazonata characterized by nasal obstruction, wick; - Developmental disorders: adenoidian facies, flat chest, delay in development staturo-weight, deafness transmission; - Sleep-apnea; - Standing snoring, breathing stertoroasa; - Recurrent otitis media; - Neighborhood recurrent infections, persistent after antibiotic therapy.
Contra: - Short palace; - Cleft palate submucosa and subdeschisa; - Lueta bifida.
Another therapeutic method is monitoring the patients and cure respiratory gymnastics afectuare heliomarina having a positive effect.

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