Thursday, January 20, 2011

Intestinal Parasitic diseases

Intestinal Parasitic diseases Intestinal Parasitic diseases are diseases of the digestive system. It is frequently found in children regardless of age. Since the baby is breastfed, he is unable to directly contaminated, causing a decrease in the incidence of intestinal parasitosis in the first months of life.
The parasite is a plant or animal being, temporarily or permanently living beings on behalf of another plant or animal, often prompting her obvious troubles.
Parasitism is a way of life where being used, in part or in full, the necessary environment of his life, another being.
INTESTINAL Parasitic diseases are diseases caused by this organism diversity in parasites. The most common diseases seen in children are: giardiasis, pinworm infection, Ascaridioza. Also meet other parasites, but with a much lower incidence, such as tapeworm, toxoplasmosis, trichocefaloza, toxocaroza, himenolepidoza, etc. hidadidoza.
Causative agents of these diseases cause several intestinal disorders and severity varied. The symptoms usually show a complex parasite child diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite (decreased appetite), bloating, abdominal pain, acute anemia with pallor intense, restless sleep, weight loss and stop raising a child (if parasitizing is long and untreated), anal pruritus (intense itching) in the case of pinworms.
Diseases can be diagnosed only by the mere presence of some of the signs listed above. Positive diagnosis is made by examination coproparasitologic when adult parasites, fragments thereof (proglote), their eggs or cysts are removed spontaneously or chair. In the case of pinworm infection, manifested by perianal and anal itching, anal is recommended to perform fingerprint taken on a tape, followed by microscopic examination. Healing can be said only after the examination of at least three consecutive negative seat at the interval of 7-10 days between samples. It is necessary to repeat the exam because there was a time coproparasitologic latency time between infection and when it begins to remove the eggs or cysts and parasites in excreta disposal is inconstant, cycle or biological function.
There does not eliminate parasites eggs or cysts in feces (toxoplasma, trichinela, Toxocara, etc.) or the appearance of eggs in faeces is accidental. In this situation, it is recommended to identify specific parasite antigens and / or parasitic antibodies by immunoenzymatic method with very high sensitivity and specificity.
Treatment of intestinal parasitosis is medicinal. It aims to achieve three goals: the destruction and elimination of the parasite, the body eliminate toxins resulting from activity of the parasite and restore the affected internal organs and mucous membranes of the parasite. It is only with your doctor's recommendations to prevent hepatitis drug intoxication. The most commonly used are Zentel and Vermox.
Preventive measures and control of intestinal parasitosis consist of general hygiene measures: clean, aierisirea rooms, Olite folosirerea of their individual and regular disinfection and toilets, transport, storage and preparation of food under strict hygiene, washing fruits and vegetables ( parasites that can be deposited, cysts, eggs) before consumption or refrigeration. Great importance should be attached to the body and bed linen and children sick, and they will be washed and ironed by boiling. Take hygiene measures such as washing hands many times as needed (as mandatory before each meal), regular cutting of nails, etc..
For a good evolution is needed so the correct treatment of a sick child, those around him, and the community (nursery, kindergarten or school), whether or not symptoms.
Experiencing a high incidence of parasitic diseases in the whole world, but varies from one geographical area to another. Primary feature of intestinal parasites in humans encounter is that not confer sterilizing immunity total individual can be infected at any time.
A parasite may develop symptoms may be trivial or even asymptomatic. The parasites often show a negative influence on nutritional imbalances, leading to weight loss in the host organism. Paramore incriminated in disease will colonize the digestive tract, which will give rise to various digestive disorders such as decreased appetite alimenatr, thus reducing food intake occurs will cause anorexia.

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