Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Telogen and anagen effluvium

Telogen and anagen effluvium Telogen effluvium is a form of alopecia necicatriciala characterized by diffuse thinning of hair frequently with acute onset. It represents a reactive process caused by a metabolic or hormonal stress or by drugs. Generally, recovery is spontaneous and occurs in 6 months. Anagen effluvium occurs after an injury that affects the hair follicle mitotic or metabolic activity. Hair loss is usually the result of exposure to chemotherapy as antimetabolitii agents alkilanti and mitosis inhibitors that are used to treat cancer. This form of alopecia, affects only the hair in the anagen phase. Occur in people with alopecia areata in response to inflammatory attack.
Treatment spans minoxidil anagen effluvium. This does not prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia baldness, but shortened by 50 days. Anagen effluvium is reversible. After the cessation of chemotherapy follicles resume their normal activities within a few weeks. Because telogen effluvium is a reactive process that spontaneously rezolova treatment is not necessary. Any reversible cause hair loss such as poor diet, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism or drugs should be corrected. Topical minoxidil does not seem to have an effect on recovery of hair in telogen effluvium.
Physiology of the development cycle of hair
Human hair growth has three phases: anagen, catagen, telogen. Anagen phase of hair growth is placing in the matrix of hair follicles suffer intense mitotic activity. These follicles have long roots, branched covered by shields intact, well pigmented. At the end of the anagen phase decreases the amount of pigment in the follicle that keratinizeaza. Then the thread enters catagen, a transitional phase in which mitotic activity decreases. Follicle dermal papilla is separated and the capillary plexus and is impinf toward the epidermis. The hairs are in telogen phase rest-. These wires have short roots. The wires continue to remain at rest until re follicle anagen phase. In this mature threads are pushed to the outside and fall being replaced by new ones. The duration of each phase takes into account the patient's age and location on the scalp.
Pathogenesis of anagen effluvium
Hair loss can be classified according to the stage hair down. Anagen effluvium occurs after any insult to the hair follicle that affects mitotic or metabolic activity. Inhibition or cessation of hair matrix cell division can lead to a weakened segment of hair, thin it may break the minimal trauma. It can also determine the total lack of hair formation. Only hairs in anagen are subject to the condition. This alopecia is more common and severe in patients treated for cancer with chemotherapy, using combinations of drugs and the severity is dependent on the dose. Occur in people with alopecia areata as a result of the inflammatory insult of the matrix. Characteristic of this form is broken in this thread.
The pathogenesis of telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is defined as early and excessive loss of hair resting phase. This result from the trauma of hair loss normal hair yarn or emotional stress factor, labor, poor diet, febrile diseases, surgery. They cause an increased number of hair follicles to move into catagen and telogen phase. When anagen resumes at 2-4 months, the hairs are pushed and fall forcing temporary thinning of the scalp.
Signs and symptoms
Telogen effluvium. Acute telogen effluvium can occur in both sexes if favorable conditions are described. Women have a greater tendency to hormonal changes in the postpartum period to experience this condition. Chronic telogen effluvium is present especially in women. The disease can occur at any age. Characteristic symptom is hair loss at a higher rate. The hair is lost diffusely on the entire scalp. Full alopecia is described.
Acute telogen effluvium. Hair loss is defined as lasting less than 6 months. Onset is acute. Amaneza careful look metabolic agent or psychologically stressful. This includes febrile diseases, major injuries, changes in diet, pregnancy and delivrenta, drugs. Papuloscuamoase scalp disorders such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis can cause telogen effluvium.
Chronic telogen effluvium. Represents a duration of hair loss over 6 months. The onset is insidious and may be difficult to identify a stressful event. Since the duration of hair loss is prolonged patients accuse lower density of hairs.
Anagen effluvium. Patients have hair loss after exposure to drugs or toxic chemicals. Chemotherapeutic agents are most commonly responsible for this disorder. Most associations are toxic doxori [ubicina, nitrosoureice and cyclophosphamide. Hair loss begins 7-14 days after a single pulse of chemotherapy. Hair loss is clinically evident after 1-2 months. Anagen effluvium is an unhealed alopecia which leaves intact the follicular ostium. Most of the hairs are in anagen stage at any time that affects a large percentage of anagen alopecia of the scalp.
Laboratory studies: Will make the iron, thyroid function, assessment of antibody The choir determine serum and urinary amino acids. Anagen effluvium telogen effluvium can be distinguished from the hair pull test. It will catch fire and 40 will be drawn. Identify the percentages of telogen and anagen yarn. Anagen hair roots intact long covered by the shield, being fully pigmented. Telogen hair is shorter and less branched roots, is poorly pigmented at the base. In anagen effluvium are present at test leads 4-6 in telogen. A higher number indicates telogen effluvium.
The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: alopecia areata, alopecia mucinosa, androgenetic alopecia, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, tinea capitis, trichotilomania, traction alopecia
Telogen effluvium. Since this is a reactive process that resolves spontaneously treatment is limited. Hair regrowth is rapid. Poor diet should be corrected, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism or drugs. Not topical minoxidil promotes hair growth. The prognosis for recovery is good density of hair in telogen effluvium normal.
Anagen effluvium. Although topical minoxidil is not effective in preventing chemotherapy-induced alopecia, the hair shortens the regeneration period of 50 days. Application of pressure caps on the scalp and local hypothermia delayed anagen termination if implemented during drug infusion. They reduce blood flow to the scalp and releasing the drug. But because scalpel can be a sanctuary for malignant cells circulating in patients with leukemia, lymphoma and other blood malignancies are not candidates for such measures. Anagen effluvium is reversible. After the cessation of therapy follicles resume their normal activities within a few weeks. Inhibition of mitotic cells stop reproducing, but not permanently destroys the hair matrix. Sometimes the hair color and texture are changed after chemotherapy.

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