Venous disease is most common disease of the veins and is characterized by venous dilatations greater segmentation in the trunk or reticulated appearance to the smaller veins. Before discussing varicose veins, some schematic is important to present data on venous blood flow to the legs.
Blood is collected by two lower limbs venous system - deep venous system and superficial venous system. Deep venous system drains blood from the circulation associated osteoarticular structures and muscles of thigh and calf, while the superficial venous system "collects" only skin and fat from the blood occupying the space above the muscles.
Although these systems are separated by a deep fascial plane, which takes all the leg muscles, they are links between the communicating veins, which penetrate the fascia. At the root of thigh, groin, superficial venous system merges with the deep, forming a single venous trunk that drains all the blood limb. One-way movement of blood is from the bottom up and from surface to depth, ie from surface to the deep venous system. This can be achieved through one-way valves inside veins found deep to the superficial and comunicantelor of them.
When these valves become incompetent, blood pressure higher in the deep venous system enters the superficial venous system, causing stasis and superficial veins. Unidirectional valves can become incompetent or by deterioration of their quality in some degenerative processes or by forcing them through a column of blood pressure too high.
Varicose veins are represented precisely by the dilated superficial venous system belonging. Venous disease is more common in women, 60% of them showing signs of disease at ages 20 to 50 ani.Deşi not know how to transmit the genetic factor was present in 80% of cases.Varicose - contributing factors:
- A profession that requires prolonged standing (from teachers, hairdressers, retailers, dentists)
- Intense and prolonged muscular effort (lifters) or vibrations
- Excessive heat and humidity, favor the appearance of varicose veins
- Obesity, in addition to the extra weight on the leg press by neuro-endocrine and metabolic disorders that involve degenerative lesions of the venous wall deepens
- Pregnancy is a normal biological process, with efforts made to maintain them is unimaginable from the maternal
In the development of varicose veins distinguish two stages: the onset (prevaricoasă) and set the stage for varicose veins.Varicose veins - as manifested?
The onset is slow, subjective phenomena manifested especially in the calf: a feeling of restlessness (or urging the patient to go to massage the leg), discrete numbness and heaviness of a calf, phenomena that occur after prolonged standing , intensively or long sitting position and go lie down with legs slightly higher than body plan. Objective signs may appear as a lower leg portion cyanosis, accompanied by a discreet edema at this level.
Varices stage set, we see the "pillars" dilated veins, with sinuous, twisting, appearing initially in the upper portion of the shank. At compressions most important, occurring in the small basin, especially in the second half of pregnancy, and varicose veins can develop in the external genitals, vulvo-vaginal varicose veins, impressive for an unsuspecting patient. They are only present during pregnancy, they regresând in full, in most cases, after birth.
Edema, which was originally discreetly disappear morning, extending the surface and depth, become permanent, with the installation of chronic venous insufficiency. Skin will be thinned, transparent, glossy, with areas of hyperpigmentation, eczematoase with low hairiness and very sensitive to trauma, even very low intensity. Untreated veins can develop with the development of complications such as leg ulceration, rupture and subsequent bleeding varicose veins with thrombophlebitis.Varicose veins - prevention measures:
* Avoid prolonged standing (standing motionless with lower limb muscle contractions)
* Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight
* In early pregnancy, is listed as the mother to wear elastic stockings for the entire length of the legs. These stockings will be held the morning before getting out of bed and will be worn, if possible, throughout the day
* Particular attention will be paid to the diet, which, besides providing a calorie and vitamin-mineral properly, you need to prevent constipation and a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. If appropriate, bowel regulation, and teas will be used laxatives or glycerine suppositories
* Encouraging light sport, including swimming or walking, is always beneficial
Varicose veins - a cure:
It has a range of elements that can be used in different combinations to obtain morphological effects, not least functional and aesthetic best. These packages include the removal of varicose microsurgical techniques, with incisions that are virtually invisible from a few months, laser therapy and sclerotherapy.
In younger patients is recommended to avoid possible extirpation of the total saphenous vein (venous pulling classic), this being, in some cases of emergency, a natural reservoir of biological vascular prosthesis. In advanced cases, only a surgeon with experience in vascular surgery at the same time with good knowledge of plastic surgery, can provide the therapeutic rescue.
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