Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Obesity - weight gain

Today obesity is a medical and social problem worldwide especially important. Treatment of this disease affected medical costs represent a substantial proportion of total health expenditure in developed countries. The phenomenon is even more worrying in the United States where over 50% of the adult population is overweight or obese, 5% of the population presenting morbid obesity. In Romania the obesity rate is 25% and 50% of Romanian are overweight.

How do we know if overweight?
Simply by calculating body mass index (CML). Here's how to do this: body mass index (BMI) = body weight in kilograms divided by height squared. The values obtained are compared with standard values, namely:

* Underweight: <18
* Normal weight: 18-25
* Overweight: 26-30
* Obesity grade I: 30 - 35
* Obesity grade II: 36-40
* Obesity grade III:> 40
* Morbid obesity is defined when body mass index (BMI) is greater than or equal to 40 kg/m2.
Causes of obesity:
The main reason is caloric intake, or more simply, the consumption of food. This refers not only to eat too much of, but also to inadequate food intake.Other factors are physical inactivity, alcoholism and genetic predisposition.
Risks of obesity:
Obesity exposed to a series of very serious diseases, also known as an important factor for increased morbidity - ie the risk of disease and mortality among the population.Among the most important diseases for which obesity is a risk factor such as: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, myocardial infarction), strokes, diabetes, gall stones, chronic constipation, joint disease, varicose disease, menstrual disorders, reduced potency, diseases breathing.Obesity decreases the overall quality of life, and statistically it was found that mortality is higher among obese people than in people with normal body weight.
Obesity-2.jpgTreatment of obesity:
Over time, they have proposed various ways of their treatment of obesity. Basically there are three major therapeutic principles:

1. Changing lifestyle is the change in diet, physical activity and behavior modification. Preferred are low-calorie diets (800 - 1200 kcal / day) of very low (below 800 kcal / day), because this will ensure weight loss is slow, but steady. The combination of exercise and diet to learn a new eating behavior is helpful.
2. Drug treatment is carried out only in conjunction with the physician and diet. Wear long time, obesity is a chronic disease. Number of drugs approved in this respect is quite small, so the importance of this treatment is limited.
It should be noted that the two principles are not given effective treatment in morbid obesity. For the surgical treatment of the question.
3. Surgery
Obesity surgery should be reserved for patients with BMI> 40 or BMI> 35 with associated diseases.
Surgery should be considered after failure of other treatment principles. It is recommended that treatment be applied after at least one year of treatment was tried medical.Există several surgical procedures have been tried over the years, but most topical is banding of the stomach.
Through this capacity reduction is performed by making a gastric reservoir proximal stomach 15 to 20 ml, thus limiting the intake of solid food and producing a sensation of fullness more quickly.
Gastric banding is the application of the stomach around the upper portion of an adjustable silicone ring.
The ring is connected to a device that is fitted under the skin and allows the ring filled with saline. Using this system, the outlet size is adjusted and amended as necessary. The great advantage of gastric banding site and making the simple as simple can withdraw it. The procedure does not change the anatomy of the stomach and the ring is removed, the stomach returns to its anatomical and physiological condition prior to surgery.
Intervention can be done by laparoscopy, thereby increasing patient comfort and reducing postoperative risks.
Gastric banding reduces the risks that obese people are exposed, while enhancing the quality of life.

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