Signs and symptoms
Men frequently experience sunburn, using less protection and tend to be less knowledgeable than women about the effects of ultraviolet light. Although solareapar burns to people of all ages, the incidence increases in childhood and adolescence. The highest prevalence is recorded between 15-24 years.
Patients with a history of sunburn shows excessive sun exposure by acitivitati in free space and less history of concomitant oral ingestion of drugs or application of topical phototoxic. All individuals develop high doses of ultraviolet burns although people with darker skin are more protected. Perosanele blue or green eyes, white skin who tan poorly are more likely to burn.
If the patient received late erythema dose of UV exposed skin occurs in 2-6 hours with a peak at 15-36 hours and resolve within 72-120 hours. People with thin skin may be transient erythema immediately. Trunk, neck and face injuries at doses lower than upper limbs. Upper limbs tan faster towards lower ones. Erythema after exposure to solar UV-A by starting immediately, with a peak at 8 hours and persists for 24-48 hours. Patients with fever, local pain, veziculizare, erythema that resolves in 4-7 days with burned skin peeling, malaise, nausea and vomiting in severe cases.
The physical examination includes: Confluent erythema and heat-exposed areas of the local -Edema, pain and tenderness, with moderate to severe itching at the exposure -Veziculizarea occurs in severe cases and can require over a week to submit -Scaling occurs in a few days after exposure -Nausea, abdominal cramps, weakness and malaise, fever, chills and headache may occur, most commonly in severe burns By secondary infection, complications are infrequent.
Signs and symptoms
Complications. Sunburn can exacerbate diseases such as chronic actinic dermatitis, herpes simplex, eczema, and lupus erythematosus. Sunburn can be associated with other diseases related to heat, dehydration and heat stroke exhaustierea through. Long term exposure can lead to premature aging skin and wrinkles-dermatohelioza training, development of solar keratoses, premalignant lesions and malignant tumors developing basal-cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Patients may be at risk by ultraviolet keratitis and cataracts.
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