Saturday, January 29, 2011



* Introduction
* Pathogenesis and causes
* Signs and symptoms
* Diagnosis
* Treatment
Bursitis is an inflammation caused by wear and tear exchange repetitive trauma, infection or systemic inflammatory diseases. Bursa is a fluid sac that protects the ends of bones and joints overlap between bones and tendons or muscles, skin. These bags are filled with synovial fluid minimum quantity in order to facilitate movement during muscle contraction. Profound scholarship, such as those iliopsoasului subacromiale or are located in the fascia. Scholarships superficial as the olecranon and the prepatellar are located in the subcutaneous tissue. Humans have about 160 scholarships.
Bursitis affects mostly subacromiale scholarships, olecraniene, trochanteric, and infrapatelare prepatellar. Symptoms of bursitis include localized tenderness, swelling, redness and reduce movement. Cause inflammation of the synovial cell proliferation exchanges and the formation of collagen and increases production of fluid. A more permeable capillary membrane protein allows fluid entry. Sealers scholarship can be replaced by granular tissue and then fibrous tissue. Bleeding occur. In septic arthritis, trauma usually cause local inoculation of bacteria in the inflammatory process waging scholarship. Bursitis can occur by many causes including acute trauma, chronic friction, storage of crystals in gout and pseudogout, systemic infection and disease.
There are three stages of bursitis: acute, chronic and recurrent. During the first phase of local inflammation occurs and is diminished synovial fliudul forcing painful joint movements. Bursitis Chronic pain leads to further weakening ligementelor and tendons and cause them to rupture. Due to adverse effects on adjacent structures chronic bursitis, bursitis and tendinitis occur together. Patients with bursitis shows the history of joint movement and pain at rest. If the scholarship is located superficially observed edema, local heat, redness, tenderness. Joint movement is kept limited to infectious bursitis in other types. Patients may present with fever and septic bursitis associated local cellulitis.
Surgery is not indicated in most cases of bursitis. Surgical procedures can be used to treat chronic bursitis, which is refractory to other conservative treatment is aspiration, incision and drainage, excision of chronically inflamed bursa and removing overhanging bone. The practice of injecting steroids if not responding to other treatment. In case of septic bursitis, the scholarship should be aspirated. Overlying skin is sterilized stock. Aspirated fluid is sent for analysis to search for infectious organisms or crystals. If bursitis is an aspiration secondary to infection after treatment including antibiotics. Mortality is low in bursitis. The prognosis is good in most cases.

1 comment:

  1. i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect,then mirapex as the disease progressed in february last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal medicine from ultimate life clinic,few months into the treatment i made a significant recovery,almost all my symptoms are gone,great improvement with my movement and balance,it been a year and life has been so good for me,reach them through there website at
