Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Impetigo Diagnosis


Laboratory studies:
-bacterial culture and sensitivity are recommended to identify MRSA, if present glomerulonephritis poststreptococica
send the swab culture of the crust
-Leukocytosis is present in 50% of cases
anti-DNA antibody levels increased from impetigo is strep Aze
-urinanaliza glomerulonephritis is needed to assess if they describe edema and hypertension
is able to detect proteinuria, hematuria and cilinduria
-to exclude infection with herpes simplex viral culture is performed or Tzanck test
cultures of the nostrils will get to determine the carrier status of S. aureus
will get the crops in the armpits, crotch and throat.

The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: atopic dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid, candida skin, contact dermatitis, herpes simlex, insect bites, scabies, scalded skin syndrome, thermal arusri, tinea pedis, chickenpox, kerion.

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