Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Impetigo Treatment

Antibiotics are standard therapy, and the agent should cover S. aureus and S. pyogenes. MRSA infections acquired in the community than by manifest as impetigo folliculitis, why beta-lactam drugs remain the standard empirical therapy for treatment of impetigo. Topical antibiotics are indicated in patients with small lesions, few. Apply on affected area twice daily for 7-10 days. Mupirocin ointment was used for injuries and chronic nasal carriers. Unfortunately it developed resistance to mupirocin. Retapamulin has an excellent spectrum of activity and resistance to this new agent will take time to appear. Oral antibiotics are indicated for many patients with impetigo. Empirical antibiotic therapy is recommended cephalosporin, semisynthetic penicillin or beta-lactamase inhibitors. If bacterial cultures show MRSA and the patient get better nhu indicate tetracycline, Trimethoprim / sulfametoxazole, clindamycin, or linezolid.
Gentle debridement of crusts lesions with antibacterial soap and detergent for clothes is recommended. A good hygiene by washing clothes with chlorhexidine can prevent the spread of impetigo and the appellants.
Prognosis. Spontaneous healing rarely occurs. Left untreated, some lesions may resolve spontaneously, while new ones appear. Resolution of lesions after treatment occur in 10 days. If they have not disappeared after antibiotic therapy should be taken for non-resistant crops.

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