Saturday, January 8, 2011


Dermatofibrom Dermatofibromul is a pathological condition of the emergence of common cutaneous nodule of unknown etiology. Lesions develop on the lower extremities and is asymptomatic, although pruritus and tenderness are common. Dermatofibromul is a benign lesion which may discomfort with itching and pain and significant. Large lesions and often shows locally recurrent lung metastases.
Do not need any treatment. The patient should be assured that the lesion is benign. Intralesional corticosteroid injections shows variable results. For lesions that cause discomfort or uncertain diagnosis cosmetic practice is complete excision. The prognosis of these patients is excellent.
Pathogenesis and causes
Dermatofibromului precise mechanism of development is unknown. Dermatofibromul seems to be a cancerous lesion because of its persistent nature and the fact that shows a clonal proliferation. Clonalitatea is not the synonymous with the neoplastic process. As a causative factor may be assigned skin trauma, but the cause is unknown dermatofiromului.
Signs and symptoms
Dermatofibromul occur in patients of any age but most frequently in adolescents. 20% of injuries occur before 17 years. The lesion grows slowly and is a solitary nodule on the leg. You might have some injuries, but only rarely are multiple. This variant is seen in the context of multiple autoimmune conditions such as lupus erythematosus, HIV infection, leukemia. Regression slight clinical improvement was reported with the disease of substance. Patients may describe a mole takes an unusual scars or be worried about skin cancer.
Characteristic Dermatofibroamele are asymptomatic, but often describe the pain and itching. Encountered are the most painful skin tumors. Women who are traumatized wound up laughing cause pain, bleeding, ulceration and erosive changes. Although there cauzri of rapid growth, most dermatofibroame remain static for decades and persist indefinitely. Were also reported cases of spontaneous regression with residual hypopigmentation postinflamatorie.
Physical examination Typical clinical appearance is of a solitary node 0. 5-1 cm in size. Some patients may experience many nodule, but not exceeding 15. Surrounding skin varies from red to gray, yellow, orange, red, blue, brown or black, or a combination of those colors. On palpation a hard lump is felt to be a grain of wheat under the skin cell subcutis. Sensitivity can be triggered the mobilization of the lesion. Extermitatile are the most common sites of damage, especially the legs. Although it can describe any location, affecting the palms and soles is rare. Variants have been reported and giant, more than 5 cm, atrophic, the polypoid dermatofibroamelor.
Histological examination. Skin surface is acanthosis. It can be observed hyperplasia and proliferation pseudoepiteliomatoasa bazaloida. Have been reported and basal cell carcinomas develop and diversify out of dermatofibrom. Bulbul tumor is in the middle dermis, there was no tumor outside the capsule and is attached to surrounding tissue. The differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: atypical nevus, basal cell carcinoma, blue nevi, scar keloids, keratoacanthoma, leiomyoma, melanoma, mastocytosis, neurilomul, pilomatroximul.
Do not need any treatment. You can choose to intralesional corticosteroid injection. For lesions that prove annoying cosmetic and complete excision is recommended for neoplasia, including subcutaneous fat. You can also choose to shave or tumor Cryosurgery for better cosmetic appearance and to relieve the symptoms, yet the appellant is more likely. Carbon laser treatment can be tried. If the tumor is removed and the changes of color, size, margins or symptomatic revaluation is necessary. The prognosis is excellent.

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