Thursday, January 20, 2011

Giardiasis (Lambliaza)

Giardiasis (Lambliaza) Giardiasis is the most common parasite umana.Giardia lamblia is the most common agent of epidemic and endemic diarrheal around lume.Protozoarul contaminate lakes, ponds, even those people are infesting curate.Majoritatea by drinking contaminated water, but fecal transfer -oral, usually among children, sexual partners or people who travel. Some infected people are asymptomatic, others begins after 2 weeks with: watery diarrhea, flatulence, cramps abdominale.Putine people develop persistent diarrhea. Symptoms suggest the diagnosis, but the most reliable method of detection is the test to certify Giardia proteins in the stool. Prevention of infection with the parasite is to boil water, disinfect swimming pools with filtration apei.Tratamentul using broad spectrum antibiotics: metronidazole, nitazoxanide, tinidazole. Death is rare, especially in malnourished children.

Pathogenesis and causes Giardia is one of the easiest viata.Acesta cycle consists of two stages: trofozoidul, who lives freely in the human intestinal lumen and the cyst, which is discarded into the environment by the host need intermediara.Dupa fecale.Nu cyst content ingestion infected water or food, exchistarea occurs in the stomach and duodenum in the presence of digestive enzymes. Trofozoidul migrate into the colon where they multiply rapidly, doubling their number in 12 ore.Dupa infection trofozoizii attached with a central adhesive disc includes induction of apoptosis in enterocytes enterocite.Mecanismul pathogenic.

Signs and symptoms Giardiasis can evolve in several ways, some patients may be carriers of the parasite and to be asymptomatic, but to remove cysts in the stool and thus be a source of infection, others may develop acute or chronic diarrhea, the symptoms appear in one - 2 weeks after infection.
Acute Diarrhea 90% of people complain of diaree.Scaunul giardiasis is usually described as watery and in large amounts, foul-smelling, steatoreic.Singele and mucus can not take several saptamini.Alte caracteristice.Simptomele symptoms include: Weight-loss -Bloating -Anorexia -Flatulence -Abdominal cramps -Nausea and varsatuiri -Occasionally fever.
Chronic Diarrhea Symptoms include: -Headache Weight-loss -Abdominal pain that exacerbates the food -Diarrhea: fatty stools, foul smelling, which may alternate with constipation. Dehydration is a complication of diarrhea, the patient will present: tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, fatigue, headaches and constant thirst. Malabsorption affects the body's reserves of vitamins B12, A, protein and D-xiloza.Scaderea weight 10-15 kg adult is present in 66% of the lactose cazuri.Deficitul post-infection is a complication in 40% of patients. Extra-intestinal symptoms may include: hives, reactive arthritis, explained by molecular memitism between proteins of the microorganism and its protein.
Diagnosis The diagnosis of certainty is based on the evidence trofozoizilor of Giardia cysts in stool or coproparasitologic exam. Other tests include: Content-duodenal aspiration and showing trofozoizilor -Elisa serology-Ac-specific detection - Test of Sudan Red dye to highlight the character of the seat and steatorrhea -Tests to quantify lactase deficiency, vitamin B-12, A, iron, folate, carotene-to demonstrate malabsorption Digestive-endoscopy for direct visualization of the intestinal mucosa and conducting biopsies.

Treatment Prevention includes the following measures: -Chlorination of water tanks and iodization He does not drink water from undrinkable sources -Wash fruits and vegetables before consumption Proper hygiene, keep hands The standard treatment is the antibiotic and includes: Body-metronidazole-cause death by reducing transport of nutrients through the cell wall Anthelmintic, albendazole, decreases ATP production and immobilization parasite -Furazolidone-drug alternative for children -Nitazoxanide -Tinidazole. Pregnant women have contraindications to metronidazole and tinidazole. If symptoms are severe and can not be postponed treatment to pregnant women can use paromomicina. Post-therapy is indicated a lactose-free diet, due to temporary intolerance developed during infection.

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